Property Information
Location0 Mission Hill Ln.
West side of Mission Hills Ln, north side of Hardin Valley Rd
Commission District 6
Size2.90 acres
Place Type DesignationRR (Rural Residential), LDR (Low Density Residential), HP (Hillside Protection), SP (Stream Protecti
Currently on the Property
Agriculture/Forestry/Vacant Land
Growth PlanRural Area
- Utilities
SewerWest Knox Utility District
WaterWest Knox Utility District
Case Notes
Staff Recommendation
Approve the development plan for up to 7 detached dwellings on individual lots in Phase 2 of Lantern Park (25 total lots for Lantern Park) and a reduction of the peripheral setback from 35 ft to 20 ft on the eastern boundary line of lots 22-26, subject to 1 condition.
1) Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Zoning Ordinance.
With the conditions noted, this plan meets the requirements for approval in the PR district and the criteria for approval of a development plan.
In the exercise of its administrative judgment, the Planning Commission shall determine if the proposed plan is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the zoning ordinance and adopted plans.
PR (Planned Residential) up to 3 du/ac:
A) The PR zone allows detached houses as a permitted use. The administrative procedures for the PR zone require the Planning Commission to approve the development plan before permits can be issued (Article 5, Section 5.13.15).
B) The gross density of the Lantern Park Subdivision, including Phase 1 and Phase 2, is 2.82 du/ac.
C) The proposed subdivision will have detached residential lot sizes comparable to those in existing and recently approved subdivisions in the area.
D) The applicant requests a reduction of the peripheral setback from 35 ft to 20 ft for the lots that front along Mission Hill Lane (lots 22-26). The 100 ft public right-of-way width for Mission Hill Lane is larger than typically required for a boulevard street, creating more space between the curb and the front property lines (26.5 ft) than house lots on a standard street with 26 ft wide pavement and 50 ft right-of-way (11.5 ft), such as in the Massey Creek Subdivision. The minimum front setback in the Massey Creek Subdivision is 20 ft, so houses could be located as close as 31.5 ft from the back of the curb. If the peripheral setback is reduced to 20 ft as requested, the houses on lots 22-26 will be at least 46.5 ft from the back of the curb. This larger setback will maintain the open feel of the boulevard, and the need for on-street parking will be reduced because of the need for longer driveways that can accommodate additional off-street parking.
E) The zoning ordinance requires a 100 ft separation for driveways at the intersection of two local streets. As currently proposed, the access for lot 27 must be provided via an access easement through lot 28 to obtain the required driveway separation.
A) Single family (detached) and attached residential uses are considered primary uses in the SMR (Suburban Mixed Residential) place type, and the proposal is consistent with the intent of providing single family subdivisions with small lots and connections to adjacent neighborhoods.
B) The proposal conforms to the form attributes of the SMR place type, which recommends building heights of 1-3 stories and front setbacks of 20-30 ft. The peripheral setback request of 20 ft for lots 22-26 is consistent with this place type's front setback recommendation.
A) Per the Knox County Sidewalk Ordinance, a sidewalk will be installed along the Mission Hill Lane frontage of the existing sidewalk and mail kiosk to the greenway easement on the south side of Connor Creek. This is consistent with Policy 11, which promotes connectivity with new development and recommends pedestrian and vehicular connectivity to increase mobility and encourage active transportation and recreation.
A) The proposed density of 2.82 du/ac is consistent with the Rural Area of the Growth Policy Plan, which allows up to 3 du/ac (Policy 3.5) as an extension of low density residential development (1-3 du/ac) limited to the conditions that the property be zoned PR (Planned Residential), provisions for sanitary sewer and public water service, connecting collector and arterials roads from the development to the Urban Growth Boundary or Planned Growth Area meet the standards of Knox County Engineering and Public Works, and a traffic impact analysis (transportation impact letter) demonstrating to the satisfaction of the planning commission that the effect of the proposal and similar development in the traffic analysis zone will not unreasonably impair traffic flow along the arterial roads through the adjacent Planned Growth Area.
B) When the land area of Phase 2 was rezoned, it was part of the property to the north and west before being purchased by the applicant. A transportation impact letter (TIL) was submitted with the rezoning application and the impact of traffic was considered when the PR up to 3 du/ac was approved.
C) The development has access to sanitary sewer and public water service.