Use On Review


Denied (Withdrawn)
by the Planning Commission

See case notes below


Property Info

Case Notes

What's next?

Applicant Request


Property Information

1451 Wineberry Rd

North side of Wineberry Rd., west of Cider Ln.

Commission District 7

16,522 square feet

Currently on the Property
Residence under construction

Growth Plan
Planned Growth Area

Case Notes

Staff Recommendation
DENY the request to reduce the side yard setback for this lot in Teague's Grove Subdivision from 5' to 3' as shown on the development plan.
Staff's recommendation of denial is based on the fact that the applicant owns the adjoining lot and can correct the setback problem by adjusting the lot line between the two lots.

What's next?

As a Use On Review case, the Planning Commission's decision is final, and it will not be heard by a legislative body unless it is appealed.

The appeal deadline - September 7, 2002 - has passed.

The Process

Saddlebrook, Inc.

Case History