Design Review Board

Oakwood/Lincoln Park Infill Housing Overlay District


Staff Recommendation

Recognizing the non-contributing nature of the house and the limited design guidelines for additions, staff recommends approval of Certificate 9-A-22-IH as completed, subject to the following conditions: 1) the applicant differentiate the addition from the primary house via a vertical trim board or other design tactic; 2) the applicant use a lap siding for the addition instead of vertical flush board siding.

427 Farragut Ave. 37917

James Michael James Michael Stalsworth

Applicant Request
Additions visible from the primary street
1. The concrete block garage enclosure (with no roof) has been adjacent to the house's basement level since at least 2007. The garage and side addition were permitted (via City building permits, not Infill Housing design review) in 2002 but the owners did not initiate work and the project expired. At some point, the property owners also extended the deck and built a flat-roof front porch on the façade. The project has been partially constructed for at least a year.

2. The existing house at 427 Farragut Avenue is modest in size and design and does not retain significant integrity as a particular historic architectural style. The addition as completed would not meet the design guidelines for a typical local historic overlay. The addition is flush with the primary façade (as it was constructed above an existing open garage structure) and offset via a slightly taller roofline.

3. The Infill Housing design guidelines are very limited in scope for additions, recommending they be made to the "rear or side of the house," use "a roofline and roofing materials" which complement the original house, and use "exterior covering, doors, and windows" which are compatible with the original house. Loosely, the addition as constructed meets these design guidelines. The addition should be differentiated from the main house via a vertical trim element or other design tactic.

4. Vertical siding is discouraged by the design guidelines, and Board reviews have typically encouraged the use of lap siding on new houses or additions instead of board-and-batten.

Staff Comments
After-the-fact review of second-story addition. Addition measures 32' wide, and extends the full depth of the existing house, extending to the east (right side) of the primary house, with a side-gable roof. The applicant plans to install LP Smartside (engineered wood strand substrate vertical siding), with trim added to resemble board-and-batten siding. The addition features two pairs of double-hung vinyl windows on the façade (south), two on the east, and a sliding glass door on the rear.

Kim Kim Davis OBO Mike Stalsworth OBO Mike Stalsworth

Planning Staff
Lindsay Lanois
Phone: 865-215-3795

Case History