Applicant Request
From Alcoa Highway
To the dead-end of Ginn Drive at Maloney Road Park, southwest of Alcoa Highway
Proposed Street Name Ginn Farm Drive
Reason for Change
TDOT Project NH-115(54); 47026-04 - Realignment of Alcoa Highway (S.R. 115 / U.S. 129)
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
The Planning Commission approved the street name change from Ginn Drive to Ginn Farm Drive.
Staff Recommendation
Approve the name change to Ginn Farm Drive
Staff recommends approval of the street name change of the portion of Ginn Drive west of Alcoa Highway to Ginn Farm Drive since it is not a duplication and meets all requirements of the City of Knoxville Street Naming and Addressing Ordinance.What's next?
This Street Name Change case in the CITY was recommended for approval. The appeal deadline - November 29, 2019 has passed.