Design Review Board

Level 1: Minor alteration of an existing building/structure


Proposed addition of sixteen (16) new window openings on the east elevation of the existing brick masonry building. Proposed windows are one-over-one, double-hung, Sierra Pacific-brand, aluminum-clad wood, with a dark bronze exterior finish. Two stories of windows. Surrounding brick opening will be treated with internal thru-wall flashing, concealed steel headers, and new lugged cast stone sills in a natural stone color to match similar existing sills on the south elevation.

121 E. Jackson Ave.

Applicant Request
Proposed addition of sixteen (16) new window openings on the east elevation of the existing brick masonry building. Proposed windows are one-over-one, double-hung, Sierra Pacific-brand, aluminum-clad wood, with a dark bronze exterior finish. Two stories of windows. Surrounding brick opening will be treated with internal thru-wall flashing, concealed steel headers, and new lugged cast stone sills in a natural stone color to match similar existing sills on the south elevation.

Staff Comments
The property is listed on the National Register of Historic Places as a contributing structure on the Southern Terminal and Warehouse Historic District, so the Historic Resources section of the design guidelines applies. The elevation to receive the proposed windows originally adjoined another building, so windows were not historically located on the east elevation. However, the proposed placement reflects historic window patterns on secondary elevations. The proposed windows meet the design guidelines by utilizing the same pane configuration, materials, and size as side elevation windows on other comparable historic buildings in the district. The windows introduce a consistent relationship of solids to voids to the east elevation, and are appropriately aligned, both horizontally and vertically.

APPLICABLE DESIGN GUIDELINES: Downtown Knoxville Design Guidelines

4c. Insert windows with the same pane configuration, materials, and size as other buildings of the same general construction date, if no original windows are present.
4d. Maintain the relationship of solids to voids with new construction that is similar to other buildings in the district, including the typical width, height, spacing, and horizontal alignment of windows.

Case History