Property Information
Location0 Warrick Avenue
Northwest of Buick Street off of Richmond Avenue
Council District 3
Size1.14 acres
Planning SectorCentral City
Land Use Classification LI (Light Industrial) LI (Light Industrial)
Currently on the Property
Vacant parcel
Growth PlanUrban Growth Area (Inside City Limits)
- Utilities
SewerKnoxville Utilities Board
WaterKnoxville Utilities Board
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
The Planning Commission approved the RP-1 (Planned Residential) zoning with 4.2 du/ac since RP-1 zoning is consistent with the Central City Sector Plan and will allow uses compatible with the surrounding area.
Staff Recommendation
Approve RP-1 (Planned Residential) zoning with up to 4.2 du/ac.
Staff recommends approval of the requested RP-1 (Planned Residential) zoning with 4.2 du/ac since RP-1 zoning is consistent with the Central City Sector Plan and will allow uses compatible with the surrounding area.