Monthly Archive
Planning Commission
October 2024
Deny the proposed amendments to the City of Knoxville Zoning Code, Article 4.6 because they create contradictions and inconsistencies with existing definitions and other sections of the zoning code, and because they are not aligned with the established intent of the Middle Housing standards.
Postponed to the January, 2025 Planning Commission meeting
Applicant requested withdrawal based on AW eligibitly
Deny the special use for 5 duplexes in the RN-1 (Single-Family Residential Neighborhood) district because the development does not meet the location criteria of the One Year Plan.
Approve the concept plan for 6 lots, subject to 7 conditions.
Approve the BP (Business Park) place type, as shown in Exhibit C, because it is compatible with surrounding development. The HP (Hillside Protection) area would be retained.
Approve the OB (Office, Medical, and Related Services) zone and the PR (Planned Residential) zone up to 4 du/ac, as shown in Exhibit C, because they are consistent with surrounding development, subject to 1 condition.
Postponed to the December, 2024 Planning Commission meeting
Postponed to the December, 2024 Planning Commission meeting
Postponed to the November, 2024 Planning Commission meeting
Approve the PR (Planned Residential) zone up to 6 du/ac because it is compatible with surrounding development and zoning, and it is supported by recreational amenities, subject to 1 condtion. The F (Floodway) zone would be retained.
Postponed to the December, 2024 Planning Commission meeting
Postponed to the November, 2024 Planning Commission meeting
Approve the requested variance to reduce the minimum intersection separation between the centerlines of Middlebrook Pike and Road 'A' from 300 ft to 185.2 ft, based on the following evidence of hardship.
A. There is not sufficient depth or width to meet the required intersection separation along either of Middlebrook Pike or Broome Road. Access more
Approve the development plan for 4 detached houses on individual lots, and a peripheral setback reduction to 25' along all exterior boundaries, as depicted on the site plan, subject to 6 conditions.
Approve the OS (Other Open Space) land use classification because it is a minor extension that is consistent with surrounding development. The HP (Hillside Protection) area would be retained.
Approve the OS (Parks and Open Space) district because it is a minor extension consistent with changing conditions. The HP (Hillside Protection overlay) would be retained.
Approve the name change from Andes Road to Ball Road as requested by Knox County Engineering & Public Works.
Approve the OS (Other Open Space) land use classification because it is a minor extension that is consistent with surrounding development. The HP (Hillside Protection) area would be retained.
Approve the request for an eating and drinking establishment in the CN (Neighborhood Commercial) district, subject to 3 conditions.
Applicant requested postponement based on AP eligibitly
Approve the development plan for up to 33 attached houses on individual lots as shown on the development plan, subject to 4 conditions.
Approve the MDR (Medium Density Residential) land use classification because it is consistent with surrounding land uses.
Deny the PR (Planned Residential) zone with up to 2 du/ac because is it inconsistent with the Knox County Comprehensive Plan and the Growth Policy Plan.
Approve the name change from Andes Road to Hitching Post Drive as requested by Knox County Engineering & Public Works.
Approve the MDR (Medium Density Residential) land use classification because it is consistent with surrounding land uses.
Applicant requested postponement based on AP eligibitly
Applicant requested withdrawal based on AW eligibitly
Approve the PR (Planned Residential) zone with up to 3 du/ac because it is consistent with the Knox County Comprehensive Plan and the surrounding development.
Approve the name change from Ball Camp Pike to Ball Road as requested by Knox County Engineering & Public Works.
Applicant requested withdrawal based on AW eligibitly
Approve the development plan for up to 102 detached residential lots, subject to 1 condition.
Approve the One Year Plan amendment to the NC (Neighborhood Commercial) land use classification because it is an extension of this classification and is compatible with surrounding development.
Approve the PR (Planned Residential) zone up to 4.4 du/ac because it is consistent with Knox County Comprehensive Plan and due to the change of conditions in the area, subject to one condition.
Postponed to the November, 2024 Planning Commission meeting
Approve the NC (Neighborhood Commercial) land use classification because it is an extension of this classification and is compatible with surrounding development.
Approve the PR (Planned Residential) zone up to 6 du/ac because it is consistent with Knox County Comprehensive Plan and due to the change of conditions in the area.
Approve the OB (Office, Medical, and Related Services) zone because it is consistent with the Knox County Comprehensive Plan and the surrounding development.
Approve the OB (Office, Medical, and Related Services) and TO (Technology Overlay) because it is consistent with the County's future land use goals.
Approve the PR (Planned Residential) zone up to 5 du/ac because it is consistent with changing development conditions, subject to 1 condition.
Postponed to the December, 2024 Planning Commission meeting
Approve the PR (Planned Residential) zone up to 2 du/ac because it is consistent with surrounding development and the Growth Policy Plan.
Approve the RN-4 (General Residential) district because it is consistent with surrounding development and changing conditions.
Maintain the non-disturbance condition on slopes 25% or greater because it is consistent with the Knox County Comprehensive Plan, with the exception of allowing a two lane subdivision road.
Approve the PR (Planned Residential) zone up to 5 du/ac because it is consistent with Knox County Comprehensive Plan and surrounding area, subject to 1 condition.
Approve RN-2 (Single-Family Residential Neighborhood) because it is consistent with the surrounding land use.
Deny the RN-2 (Single-Family Residential Neighborhood) district because it does not meet the criteria for a rezoning.
Approve the RN-2 (Single-Family Residential Neighborhood) district because it is compatible with surrounding development and supported by residential amenities in the area.
Approve the C-N (Neighborhood Commercial) district because it is consistent with the recommended land use classification.
Approve the requested variance to reduce the minimum K value from 25 to 20 between stations 2+45.12 and 4+15.71 Road 'A'.
A. The steep topography through the middle of the property causes a deviation with the vertical curve.
B. The required access from George Light Rd causes the roadway to go through steep topography.
C. The granting of the more
Applicant requested postponement based on AP eligibitly
Applicant requested postponement based on AP eligibitly
Approve the final plat per Sections 2.08.A and 2.10.F of the Subdivision Regulations, which require the
plat to be in substantial conformance with the concept plan. Planning staff affirms the plat conforms to
the overall layout and design of the concept plan approved on September 24, 2023, as Planning Case File
# 1-SF-23-C.
Approve the alternative design standard based on the justification provided by the applicant and recommendations of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.
Approve the Concept Plan subject to 13 conditions.
Applicant withdrew the application prior to publication