Monthly Archive
Planning Commission
December 2024
Approve the special use for up to 41 single family houses, subject to 3 conditions.
Approve the concept plan for 41 lots, subject to 9 conditions.
Postponed to the December, 2024 Planning Commission meeting
Postponed to the December, 2024 Planning Commission meeting
Postponed to the December, 2024 Planning Commission meeting
Postponed to the December, 2024 Planning Commission meeting
Approve the development plan for up to 342 detached residential lots, subject to 2 conditions.
Withdraw the rezoning application per the applicant's request.
Approve the alternative design standard based on the justification provided by the applicant and recommendations of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.
Approve the Concept Plan subject to 17 conditions.
Approve PR (Planned Residential) up to 8 du/ac with the following condition: 1) during the development plan review, ensuring that the property has viable access to Schaad Road. If access to Schaad Road is not feasible, the property ovner may be required to make appropriate improvements to Ball Camp Pike as deemed necessary by the Knox County more
Postponed to the January, 2025 Planning Commission meeting
Approve the requested fuel station and restaurant, subject to 11 conditions to ensure the proposed use is consistent with development standards for uses permitted on review, with condition #1 of the staff report revised to allow up to seven (7) pumps with two (2) points of sale each.
Approve the development plan for up to 21 single family lots and peripheral setback reduction from 35 ft to 20 ft and 15 ft as shown on the development plan, subject to 1 condition.
Approve the special use for a car wash in the C-G-2 (General Commercial) district, subject to 7 conditions, with the addition to condition#7 that any new retaining wall or monuments built in conjunction with the development shall match the stone of the existing retaining wall on Fort Dickerson Drive.
Postponed to the February, 2025 Planning Commission meeting
Withdraw the plan amendment application per the applicant's request.
Applicant requested withdrawal based on AW eligibitly
Approve the development plan for up to 216 dwelling units on individual lots, subject to 4 conditions.
Approve the variance to reduce the tangent distance between broken back curves from 150' to 58.1' between stations 3+71.70 and 4+29.80, based on the following evidence of hardships.
A. The property is irregularly shaped, which causes the variance.
B. The road is designed to avoid the existing home on the property.
C. The variation is not more
Postponed to the February, 2025 Planning Commission meeting
Approve the variance to reduce the tangent distance between broken back curves on Road 'E' from 150 ft to 86.52 ft between STA 7+08.75 and 7+95.27, based on the following evidence of hardships.
A) The property's shape requires a reverse curve to maintain a 90-degree intersection with Road 'D' on the south side of the Road 'E' intersection.
B) more
Withdraw the rezoning application per the applicant's request.
Approve the development plan for up to 11 detached residential lots, subject to 1 condition.
Applicant requested withdrawal based on AW eligibitly
Approve the concept plan extension of the Vining Mill Subdivision, Phase 3 (12-SC-21-C) for two years to December 10, 2026.
Postponed to the February, 2025 Planning Commission meeting
Approve the PR (Planned Residential) zone up to 4 du/ac because it is consistent with surrounding development and supported by residential amenities.
Approve the name change from Andes Road to Bailey Farm Drive as requested by Knox County Engineering & Public Works.
Approve the special use for a residential drug and alcohol treatment facility with up to 48 beds in the C-H-1 (Highway Commercial) district, subject to 4 conditions.
Approve the development plan for one single-family residence, subject to 2 conditions.
Appeal denied
Approve the PR (Planned Residential) zone up to 3 du/ac because it is supported by infrastructure in the area.
Approve the name change from Ball Camp Pike to Bailey Farm Drive as requested by Knox County Engineering & Public Works.
Applicant withdrew the application prior to publication
Approve the development plan for up to 70 detached residential lots, subject to 1 condition.
Appeal denied
Approve the C-G-1 (General Commercial) district because it is a minor extension that is consistent with established development of the site.
Approve the special use for a duplex in the RN-2 (Single-Family Residential Neighborhood), HP (Hillside Protection Overlay) district, subject to 3 conditions.
Approve the development plan for up to 8 single-family houses on individual lots and reduce to the peripheral setback from 35 ft to 25 ft and 20 ft as shown on the development plan, subject to 1 condition.
Approve the PR (Planned Residential) zone with up to 6 du/ac because it is consistent with the Knox County Comprehensive Plan.
Applicant withdrew the application prior to publication
Approve the development plan for a residential subdivision of one existing house and up to 23 attached dwelling units in the PR zone, based on the acreage on the final plat, and a peripheral setback reduction from 35 ft to 15 ft along the western and eastern boundaries, as delineated in Exhibit B, subject to 3 conditions.
Approve the RA (Low Density Residential) zone because it is consistent with the Knox County Comprehensive Plan and the surrounding development.
Approve the development plan for a gas station with a convenience store and car wash, subject to 8 conditions.
Approve the PR (Planned Residential) zone with a density of up to 3 du/ac because it is consistent with surrounding development and amenities.
Approve the development plan to store topsoil and other material, subject to 4 conditions.
Approve the RB (General Residential) zone because it is a minor extension that provides a compatible transition of land use intensity, subject to 1 condition.
Approve the development plan for up to 69 detached residential lots, subject to 2 conditions.
Approve the CA (General Business) zone because it is a minor extension within and external to the parcel that is consistent with surrounding development.
Approve the Concept Plan subject to 6 conditions.
Postponed to the January, 2026 Planning Commission meeting
Approve the alternative design standard based on the justification provided by the applicant and recommendations of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.
Approve the Concept Plan subject to 17 conditions.
Approve the variance to reduce the pavement radius from 40 ft to 35 ft on the cul-de-sac, based on the following evidence of hardships.
A. The subject property is very narrow, and a larger radius will not work on this property.
B. The radius reduction is necessary because of the narrow property, and it will not cause a traffic hazard.
C. The more
Approve the variance to reduce the K value of Road A from 25 to 20 at PVI station 1+12.00, based on the following evidence of hardships.
A. This property with the HP designation slopes down by approximately 62 ft from the edge of Black Road to the rear boundary. There is a 28.8-ft elevation change along the right-of-way of Road A from its more
Approve the Concept Plan subject to 12 conditions.