Monthly Archive
Planning Commission
March 2025
Postponed to the April, 2025 Planning Commission meeting
Postponed to the April, 2025 Planning Commission meeting
Postpone the concept plan to the April 10, 2025, Planning Commission meeting as requested by the applicant.
Postponed to the April, 2025 Planning Commission meeting
Postponed to the April, 2025 Planning Commission meeting
Postponed to the May, 2025 Planning Commission meeting
Postponed to the May, 2025 Planning Commission meeting
Postponed to the May, 2025 Planning Commission meeting
Postponed to the April, 2025 Planning Commission meeting
Postponed to the April, 2025 Planning Commission meeting
Postponed to the April, 2025 Planning Commission meeting
Postponed to the April, 2025 Planning Commission meeting
Postpone the concept plan 60 days until the May 8, 2025 Planning Commission meeting at the request of the applicant.
Postponed to the May, 2025 Planning Commission meeting
Postponed to the June, 2025 Planning Commission meeting
Postponed to the June, 2025 Planning Commission meeting
Approve proposed amendments to the City of Knoxville Zoning Code, Article 5.3, Table 5-1: Commercial and Office Districts Dimensional Standards to revise the interior side, corner side, and rear more
Approve an amendment to the One Year Plan to remove duplexes from the Location Criteria section in Chapter 2: Development Policy.
Approve the RN-4 (General Residential Neighborhood) district because it is consistent with surrounding development and supported by residential amenities.
Approve the O (Office) Zoning District because it is consistent with the City of Knoxville's One Year Plan, the sector plan, and surrounding development.
Approve the SWMUD II (South Waterfront Mixed Use District Type 2) land use classification because it is consistent with surrounding development and aligns land use plans. The HP (Hillside Protection) more
Approve the I-MU (Industrial Mixed-Use) district because it is consistent with the intent of the district and adopted plans for the area. The HP (Hillside Protection Overlay) would be retained.
Approve the request for expansion of a parking lot in the C-H-2 (Highway Commercial) zoning district for up to 287 additional spaces, subject to 3 conditions
Approve the use of a daycare home because it is in harmony with the intent of the zoning code and compatible with the surrounding residential context.
APPROVE the Special Use for a campground with a maximum of 6 campsites, 15 tiny mobile home cabins, 6 cabins, 1 bath house, and 1 sauna in the locations depicted on the site plan, subject to 6 more
Approve the request for a medical office/clinic with a maximum floor area of 4,500 sqft in the C-N (Neighborhood Commercial) district, subject to 3 conditions.
Approve the request for an eating and drinking establishment with approximately 13,500 sqft of floor area in the C-N (Neighborhood Commercial) district, subject to 3 conditions.
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission remove the (C) designation from the parcels 057 12517, 12518, 12521, 12522, 12523, 12524, 12525, 12529, 12530, 12531, 12532, 12533, and 058 007 as shown more
Withdraw at the applicant's request.
Approve the final plat per Sections 2.08.A and 2.10.F of the Subdivision Regulations, which require the plat to be in substantial conformance with the concept plan. Planning staff affirms the plat more
Withdraw the application per the applicant's request.
Postponed to the March, 2025 Planning Commission meeting
Approve the RA (Low Density Residential) zone because it is consistent with the Knox County Comprehensive Plan and surrounding development.
Approve the RA (Low Density Residential) zone because it is consistent with the Knox County Comprehensive Plan and surrounding development.
Approve the RA (Low Density Residential) zone because it is consistent with the Knox County Comprehensive Plan and would bring zoning into compliance.
Withdraw the application per the applicant's request.
Approve the RA (Low Density Residential) zone because it is consistent with the Knox County Comprehensive Plan and surrounding development.
Approve the PR (Planned Residential) zone with up to 3.5 du/ac because it is consistent with the Knox County Comprehensive Plan and surrounding development.
Approve the RA (Low Density Residential) zone because it is consistent with the Knox County Comprehensive Plan and surrounding development, subject to 2 conditions.
Withdraw the development plan at the request of the applicant.
Withdraw the concept plan at the request of the applicant.
Approve the variance to reduce the broken back curve tangent from 150' to 88' Road A Sta 6+18.
A. The property has steep topography in this location.
B. The lots have been clustered in the more
Approve the development plan for up to 26 attached dwelling units on individual lots, and reduction of the peripheral setback from 35 ft to 25 ft along the east and west boundaries as shown on the more
Approve the variance to reduce the minimum intersection approach vertical curve K value from 25 to 20 on Road A at Ball Camp Pike, based on the following evidence of hardship.
A) The site's more
Approve the development plan for up to 3 single family homes on individual lots, subject to 2 conditions.
Approve the Concept Plan subject to 7 conditions.
Approve the development plan for up to 25 detached and attached dwellings on individual lots and a reduction of the peripheral setback to 25 ft, subject to 4 conditions.
Approve the variance to reduce the intersection spacing between the site entrance and Tate Trotter Road from 300 ft to 190 ft.
A. Due to the existing topography and to provide adequate sight more
Approve the concept plan, subject to 3 conditions.
Approve the development plan for up to 32 attached and 53 detached residential lots, and reduction of the peripheral setback from 35 ft to 25 ft along the Bradley Lake Lane frontage as shown on the more
Approve the alternative design standards based on the justification provided by the applicant and recommendations of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works.
Approve the Concept more
Approve the development plan for 2 single family lots, subject to 7 conditions.
Approve the development plan for up to 3 single family lots and peripheral boundary reduction from 35 ft to 15 ft on the western, southern, and eastern property lines, subject to 2 conditions.
Approve the development plan for five detached residential lots as shown on the attached plans, increasing the total in the Poplar Farms Subdivision to 148 lots, subject to 4 conditions.
Approve the development plan for 4 detached houses on individual lots in the PR (Planned Residential) zone, and a peripheral setback reduction from 35 ft to 15 ft along the western boundary of lot 1 more
Approve the development plan for up to 3 townhomes on the same lot and reduce the peripheral boundary along the northern property line to 16 ft, as shown on the plan, subject to 5 conditions.