July 11, 2024
Planning Commission meeting

Public Comments

Wanda (37920), December 30, 2023 at 7:01 PM
My name is Wanda Julian. I live in the Dry Hollow Community/Highland View area in South Knoxville. I am a retired RN and have lived in this area 70 + years. I am invested in preserving our community as the rural, natural area it has been for many years. I want to make it clear that I am not opposed to new growth and developments. I just want to see it done in a reasonable and responsible manner. And what is being done and proposed in this area of South Knoxville is neither reasonable nor responsible.

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Dawn (37920), January 4, 2024 at 11:14 AM
I’m writing today to voice my strong objection to Thunder Mountain Properties’ request for rezoning and amending the Sector Plan.
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Dawn (37920), January 4, 2024 at 11:21 AM
I strongly oppose this request. The density is too high - as it will surely be "clustered" in flat areas of the parcel. We do not want to see the same low standards and inappropriate projects recently approved and built in South Knox. See attached letter. Thank you.
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Dawn (37920), January 4, 2024 at 11:22 AM
Sewer expansion???? Sports Complex???? Please see attached regarding questions about this property. Thank you.
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Dawn (37920), January 4, 2024 at 11:24 AM
Do we really have un-met, pent-up demand for housing and commercial space? I did a quick inventory in our immediate area. See attachment below... My question is – are these current requests for rezoning and sector plan changes needed? Are they of some great benefit to our community?
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Kevin (37918), March 7, 2024 at 7:47 AM
Knox County Planning Alliance supports the staff recommendation to deny the similar use determination. The noise levels emitted from this type of use easily cross property boundaries and cause noise nuisance for adjacent properties. Since this similar use consideration would apply across the county, it would be allowed on any property zoned Agricultural. Look at the zoning map and you will quickly see how this use would create substantial conflicts. A similar use from a noise perspective could be a race track. Would we permit racetracks in all Agricultural zoned property in the county?
Sarah (37923), May 18, 2024 at 11:26 PM
Please review the County Commission Mtg where the adjacent development of 0 Ebenezer was discussed to understand the precedent set for connectivity through existing neighborhoods. We can go 13 rounds over this issue again, but please… don’t make us.
LLoyd (Murray)
LLoyd (Murray) (-4638), May 19, 2024 at 6:23 PM
I am against this proposal #5-SC-24-C and 5-A-24-SU

this proposal will strain Melstone, and Monterey with more traffic than it is designed I do not appreciate the secret nature of this proposal for the neighborhood it affects
Carrie (37922), May 20, 2024 at 6:35 PM
If this property is zoned for single family, then it should STAY single family. There are no duplexes in this area. Duplexes are not needed and they look trashy. It’s bad enough that townhouses are being built on this road.
Homeowners on Westland Bay Drive
Homeowners on Westland Bay Drive (37922), May 30, 2024 at 6:53 AM
The proposed driveway is right next to Westland Bay Drive. Even now it is not easy to turn onto Westland, and with cars and SUVs parked on the proposed driveway, the view of the oncoming, speeding traffic will be seriously jeopardized and will create a ripe situation for accidents.
Approving this project will cause economic harm to homeowners on Westland Bay. Most people don't wish to buy a single-family home on a street that also has duplexes, so selling a house will be near impossible. Even cutting the trees that edge that property next to Westland Bay (where the proposed driveway is located) will reduce the economic value of all the homes on our street.
We very much hope the Planning Commission will deny the request based on these serious safety and economic concerns.
If however the MPC disregards these valid concerns and approves the application, please at least require that the plan is turned around so that the driveway is not next to Westland Bay but on the opposite side where the previous driveway was located, to avoid the serious safety issues. Please also require that the trees along our road not be cut, to somewhat mitigate the economic concerns of the homeowners on the street.

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Cliff (37922), May 31, 2024 at 10:23 PM
I was just made aware of the potential development of an EZ Stop Market on Concord Road at Second Drive. As a property owner in the Concord historic district, I feel I must express my concerns over this project. It is completely inappropriate for this location. Knox County has very few historic areas and Concord is important to our culture and our history. Placing this establishment next to the historic Masonic Lodge, and cemetery will disrupt the integrity of this historic district. It appears the planned project is too large for a residential area. It would be better placed on a larger road in a commercial zone. Although there are now several commercial facilities on Concord Road, they are not gas stations, supermarkets, or retail stores. The proposed market would bring unnecessary traffic into a neighborhood. It will also increase light and noise pollution for a residential area that is known for its walkable streets, churches and community. The historic overlay in Concord was created to protect an important part of Knox County history. Adding this market would harm the integrity of this community.
Margaret (37934), June 1, 2024 at 7:38 AM
As an immediate neighbor of this proposed development, I am writing in opposition to the construction of an EZ Stop on Concord Road. This proposed location for a bustling gas station and restaurant is immediately adjacent a historic cemetery, still in use today with frequent new burials. The Village of Concord is a protected historic area, and encroachment into this area - particularly with an outlet on Second Drive immediately next to the cemetery, is an outrageous proposal. There are so few intact historical communities in this region, and all attempts should be made to preserve historic Concord as well as its surrounding infrastructure in the spirit of tranquility currently present. The increased traffic from this business will bleed over into the adjacent cemetery/place of rest in a way that is disrespectful to the dead, to the Masons next door, and to the neighbors adjacent to this property, like myself. I understand that development is inevitable, but every effort should be taken to be deliberate and intentional about the influx of traffic to the area and the noise pollution for the immediately adjacent historic cemetery.
Patricia (12), June 2, 2024 at 2:19 PM
When considering the request to allow development on the Monterey Oaks property, please note the following :
Since 2006 there have been six owners of this property. The last owner had planned to build two or three homes (for family), but three of the other previous owners had plans for larger developments, but were not successful in their attempts.
In 2006 Camdun Realty LLC spent hundreds of thousands of dollars clearing the hardwoods and vegetation, grading extensively, and preparing 18 lots for sale. However, with heavy rain the problem of uncontrollable runoff became an issue , with water gullies created, and water collecting at the end of the cul-de-sac on Peppercorn Lane, at the foot of the hill. The problem persisted , even with plastic fencing, straw bales, and a retention pond at the lowest point of the property . Finally the property was auctioned off. Two other attempts to develop have also been unsuccessful, due to financial or environmental obstacles.
There is a reason this property has not been developed for 18 years. Please do not let the neighborhood suffer the consequences of another attempt.

Belinda (37934), June 2, 2024 at 7:10 PM
Please see attachment comment
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Wayne (37922), June 3, 2024 at 1:45 AM
For more than 80 years residents in the immediate vicinity have fostered and developed single family residences. Sector Plans reflected community desires to maintain the single family heritage of this neighborhood. During rezoning we requested single family residential be maintained. Now, duplexes are being allowed in this zone, but that doesn't account for the character and history of this neighborhood. Allowing duplexes on this property establishes an unwanted and devaluing standard for this area of Westland Drive that should not be allowed. The Planning process should accomodate the historical legacy of this area, as Planning is the last bastion available to preserve the single family residential character of this neighborhood. The Immediate neighbors oppose such a degradation of development and request the single family character of our neighborhood be maintained.
Max (37934), June 3, 2024 at 11:51 AM
Greetings! We have: 1 - A sewage treatment plant across Concord - That makes noise. 2 - A main rail line close by - That makes noise 3 - A turn circle (turn-about) - That very often has “drifters” - Noise And now, 4 - A proposed gas station that will be located just across the property line, that will produce more noise pollution, as well as light pollution; all at the edge of a community on the Registry of Historical Places. Perhaps open 24 hours per day? Dentist office OK; this NO!
Mark (37934), June 4, 2024 at 11:13 AM
See attachment.
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John (37934), June 4, 2024 at 1:29 PM
I live behind the Mason's Lodge and our family will be affected by the EZ Stop. I agree with all comments made already. I propose: (1) no drive-up speaker. (2) no alcohol sales. (3) a much smaller footprint. (4) no entrance on second Dr. The thing that bothers me is that no one is asking for this facility. We have Kroger for groceries and fuel, we have Wiegels for fuel and snacks plus a few cute restaurants in that area. It simply is not necessary.
David (37933), June 4, 2024 at 2:09 PM
As a resident of Concord Village we take great pride in living here and work hard to maintain the historical preservation of this county treasure. After having reviewed the proposal, I am writing to request this development be denied, or significantly modified as it would have a major negative effect on our community. This development is far too large for this space and better suited on Lovell Road or somewhere off of Pellissippi. The additional traffic backups and accidents, crime, noise and evasive lighting would be devastating, especially if allowed to be open 24/7. It would seem that a small office complex, bank, library, or multi use light retail area would fit in much better. Should the Staff/Commission be of the opinion that the proposal be allowed to proceed, I ask it do so with the following stipulations: 1) The operating hours be no more than 6a-10p. 2) The setback be at least 75 feet. 3) No traffic be allowed to exit onto Second Drive. and 4) Steps be taken to scale back this over sized development and address concerns of noise, lighting, traffic and crime. Thank you. Please see attached file.
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Fleida (4638), June 4, 2024 at 2:41 PM
I have lived here for 25 years This has always been a good neighborhood for seniors to walk in and children to play in. the increased traffic from new project in not good for neighborhood. The new project should have its own entrance in and out instead of going 1 mile thru a subdivision with 10 connecting stop signs. Halfway up melstone there is a pool were many traffic accidents have occurred.
Carole (37912), June 4, 2024 at 2:59 PM
i am opposed to the project because of the increased traffic. this single residence was not designed for this amount of traffic going down melstone to merchants rd. there is a community pool half way down on melstone were is is always crowded on spring and summer months
Debbie (37912), June 4, 2024 at 5:02 PM
Please see attached letter. A petition with 96 signatures of residents that this development would impact is attached in another comment.
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Debbie (37912), June 4, 2024 at 5:40 PM
See pgs 1-7 of 12 page petition. Divided into parts to upload. This file contains 1-56 signatures
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Debbie (37912), June 4, 2024 at 5:42 PM
See 2nd part of petition, 57-96 signatures
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Carol (37934), June 5, 2024 at 12:51 PM
Please see the attached PDF message regarding Use on Review Case for 1025 Concord Rd.
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Doug (37934), June 5, 2024 at 7:15 PM
In reference to the proposed EZ Stop fuel station, convenience store, and drive-thru restaurant being consider for 1025 Concord Road. I am completely against this! This is a residential area and makes zero sense to add a gas station! We already have gas stations at Kroger and Choto. This will create terrible traffic issues for everyone living in the immediate area but also for everyone trying to make their way to the round about. I strongly request that this proposal is rejected!
Sharon (37934), June 5, 2024 at 9:51 PM
The proposed building of a large, 24-hour food mart/gas station/restaurant is inappropriate for this site. As a resident of Old Concord, a neighborhood adjacent to this property, I am concerned about the added noise associated with clearing more of the land. It is noisy already, with the traffic on Concord Road, and the property is not deep enough to accommodate the building, gas pumps, etc. without clearing most of the existing trees that currently provide some sound barrier. Also, traffic is already a problem in this area, since the roundabout at Northshore and Concord Rd. is close to Second Street, the proposed entrance to this business. Second Street is very narrow, so that one car must pull over onto the side of the road while another passes. A hill obstructs the view when turning south onto Concord Rd, making that turn nearly impossible at busy times now. It can only get worse with the addition of this type of business at this location. In addition, the bright lighting associated with gas stations/food marts would affect some of the residents of my neighborhood, as the business will be very close by. I am not opposed to the growth of business along Concord Road: however the added noise, traffic issues, and bright lights all night long are not appropriate so close to a residential community.
Laura (37934), June 5, 2024 at 10:12 PM
As a resident of the Historic Village of Concord, I oppose the EZ Stop development on Concord Road. I am very aware that this property will eventually be developed, but I feel that there are many other options that could be considered besides a large gas station and drive-thru restaurant. This development will be detrimental to the village behind this property. I have many concerns, but my main ones are losing all the tree buffers between the village and Concord Road, light and noise pollution from the gas station and drive-thru speaker, and traffic that will inevitably use our roads as a cut-through. We currently have a quiet, peaceful place to live and need the development of that land to fit and protect the historic nature of our village.
jamie (37934), June 6, 2024 at 10:31 AM
Proposed site location is too close to Concord Rd./Northshore roundabout. Traffic in this area is already very congested with adding this new business.
William C & Deborah J
William C & Deborah J (37922), June 6, 2024 at 6:31 PM
See attached letter expressing our concerns regarding this proposed development. Hoping the commissioners will take these into consideration when the time comes to vote on this measure. William C. & Deborah J. Hall
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Stephanie (37934), June 6, 2024 at 6:36 PM
My husband and I just finished restoring our 1890 home in the Historic Concord Village and have been in the process of moving our family to our new home over the last few weeks. To say it's an honor to be able to become part of the Historic Concord community is an understatement, as we are beyond in love with our new community and have felt since the moment we purchased our home beyond grateful to be able to become part of an area that the Town of Farragut and Knoxville have made a priority to preserve. We agree that progress around the community will ultimately happen, but believe any development planned for needs to be accomplished in a style and sentiment that fits the area, which a gas station, such as an EZ Stop, does not. This plan will do nothing to uplift the community or area surrounding it, and will only detract from the history and charm that makes this area so special. We were so impressed by this area when we decided to make the move. If something like an EZ Stop can be moved further down the way, possibly closer to the grocery store of other developments by Kingston Pike, that would feel more fitting and appropriate for a development of that size and chain. Please help us keep this area beautiful, and keep Farragut beautiful. We urge the Knox Planning board members to please come by the area to see firsthand the impact this would have on the area, before making any decisions.
Jonathan (37934), June 6, 2024 at 9:48 PM
I am not against the development of Concord Rd. I am not against progress but do ask that developers are required to build/develop in ways that respect residents living in proximity. Thicker natural barriers, thoughtful design and layout to minimize pollution (noise, light, chemical, etc) and traffic patterns that all limit traffic exposure to residential areas nearby should be required.
Chris (37922), June 6, 2024 at 9:49 PM
We live on Westland Bay Drive, the private road immediately west of the proposed Dream Subdivision; and we would like to express two general concerns with the concept plan.
First, as planned, the separation between Westland Bay Drive (serving 9 residences) and the proposed 25' access easement (serving 5 dwelling units) appears inadequate. For safety purposes, rather than abandoning the existing driveway on the eastern side of the proposed subdivision, it should be utilized as the shared driveway for all 5 of the units in the new subdivision.
Second, to help discourage use of our private road as access and parking for the proposed subdivision, a fence or other permanent barrier should be required along the entire boundary of the proposed Lots 1, 2 and 3 with Westland Bay Drive.
Judy (37922), June 7, 2024 at 10:01 AM
I have been a Concord resident for 30 years and I have seen the growth of the area and have dealt with all the traffic and congestion as the infrastructure has struggled to meet the growth. In my opinion, there is no historic charm on Concord Road. Unless you refer to the old, dilapidated building at the corner of Concord and Lake Ridge Dr. that has a food truck operating next to it. To me, it is an eyesore. In all my years living here, I have wished that site would be a functioning gas station/convenience store.
I support EZ Stop opening a gas station with a convenience store and restaurant at the proposed site, which is needed in this area. In addition, I'm glad to see a local business operating here instead of some chain from out of state. My children's activities take me all over the local area and I often stop at EZ Stop locations. Recently, their activities took me to a new EZ Stop at 2125 Morganton Road in Maryville. This is the nicest facility that I have ever had the pleasure to visit, and it was very family friendly. I believe the same layout would be beneficial to the residents of Concord and in no way detract from our community.
Jim and Cheryl
Jim and Cheryl (37922), June 7, 2024 at 10:22 AM
Please see the attached letter which expresses our concerns with the proposed subdivision plan.
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Florence (37934), June 7, 2024 at 12:17 PM
I am apposed to the EZ stop project on Concord road. My husband and I are resident since 1995. We raised our son in this community. I am French American and I appreciate the quaint village that reminds me of Europe. Fast food places and gas stations do not build a cultural identity. Knoxville has already erased so much of its past. It would be nice to keep some historical beauty and quiet around West Knoxville. We have a super center at Kroger and other places for fuel on North shore drive and Westland. I am also concerned about wildlife that is constantly displaced and crushed under cars, light pollution and such. Can we share a little with our wild neighbors? Foxes, rabbits, deer and other mammals live around the lake. This gas station will add nothing to our community, but noise, traffic and pollution. It will also degrade the historical feel of our small West Knoxville community. If you must build, then build a little park with native plants or invite a small restaurant owner to make something original and part of the community. I am thinking about the plaid apron in Sequoyah Hills that is a good example.
Homeowners Westland Bay
Homeowners Westland Bay (37922), June 11, 2024 at 9:48 AM
We agree with previously expressed concerns and hope the MPC will deny the application. But if the MPC decides to approve the project, we ask that it be a conditional approval with the following requirements added to previous requests.
The plan for the duplexes needs to be turned around (180 degrees, west to east) so that the 2 duplexes connect directly with the gravel driveway proposed for the third property. There is no need for a second, concrete driveway. This change will reduce the serious safety issues in turning onto Westland Drive from Westland Bay.
The garage for Lot 1 should be moved from its proposed location northwest of the house to southeast of the house to connect directly with the gravel driveway.
No trees along Westland Bay (bordering all three lots) should be cut.
The suggested wooden fence along Westland Bay should be about 6 feet tall and should not end at Westland Drive. To avoid people walking around the fence in either direction, the fence should turn at a right angle at Westland Drive, run along Westland Drive, and end at the gravel driveway.

Westland Bay Homeowners
Westland Bay Homeowners (37922), June 11, 2024 at 9:52 AM
We request that the application (6-A-24-UR) be denied, not only for all the concerns expressed so far, but because of possible future development on Westland Bay by the applicant. It is likely that he is considering buying the large wooded tract on our street. He has already had it surveyed. It is also possible that he may buy the property at 1216 Westland Bay which the owner has tried selling many times. His plan may be to cram all this area with duplexes, which could result in about 20 duplexes at the small size he is planning. This may explain why he calls a plan for 2 duplexes and 1 ranch house a 'subdivision.' It would mean about 40 new families on a street where there have been only 9 single-family homes for 35 years. The homeowners on Westland Bay do not want a developer to encroach on our peaceful neighborhood with duplexes (possibly a string of them to come) and destroy the quiet character and the natural beauty of our single-family residential street. (Please read further details and concerns in the attachment.)
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Tommie (37934), June 11, 2024 at 10:22 AM
Thank you for the opportunity to voice my concerns over the proposed EZ Stop. The scale of the EZ Stop is much too large for the surrounding area and especially for Concord. The roads in Concord are very narrow and it is already a challenge for two cars to pass much less a car and pick up truck on the narrow roads and the proposed project will greatly increase traffic and congestion in the area. The scale and nature of the EZStop does not fit with any other existing development in the area and would increase traffic on an already congested road that is prone to traffic back ups already. It is also a very unfortunate location because it will be directly in front of an active and historic cemetery. The noise and light pollution will be an unfortunate consequence if the EZ Stop is built. I hope this plan will be reconsidered and a more thoughtful and appropriate use of the land can be found.
Jonathan (37934), June 12, 2024 at 6:50 AM
I am opposed to this plan. My concerns is for the only historic neighborhood in the county. Removing the natural barriers would drastically alter the current protection we have from the heavy traffic on Concord Road. The light pollution from this project would make it harder to see the night sky, The noise from the proposed drive through would destroy the peacefulness you can experience while walking through the neighborhood or sitting on your front porch. The congestion at the entrances of the neighborhood would make it harder to get to and from our homes. It seems that the scope of this project is too large for the site and would leave little to no room for a good natural barrier between the progress of Farragut and our peaceful, historically protected neighborhood.
Separately I would like to speak a concern for all those that do not live in our neighborhood but have relatives buried in the historic cemetery that shares a direct border with this site. This is a very active cemetery and people have been buried there very recently. We lay wreaths for the veterans and people place flowers on graves. It would be shameful and maybe a little disrespectful to have to listen to someone ordering at a drive through while you are trying to visit a gravesite of someone you love.
Ted (60656), June 12, 2024 at 9:47 AM
We represent Sandra LLC. Please see our letter on their behalf which is attached.
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Yvette (37922), June 12, 2024 at 12:17 PM
As a resident of the Choto Area for the last 15 years, I have witnessed enormous growth which has resulted in a tremendous increase in traffic related accidents. While the roundabouts at Choto and Northshore have helped to some degree, the continual increase in residential and business approvals and builds has not. Northshore has not been widened. One flip off the non-existant shoulder and you're stuck for hours - happens a few times a year. People move to the suburbs for peace and quiet. A gas station/restaurant combo does NOT increase the serenity of the area. Quite the contrary. The proposal to build yet another gas station right in between two others is ridiculous and unnecessary. I VOTE NO!
Abby (37934), June 12, 2024 at 1:34 PM
I am submitting a comment concerning the proposed development of the gas station on Concord Rd/Campbell Station. I am a resident of the Old Concord Historic district and my property abuts the cemetery that is directly behind the proposed development. I do not feel this development is appropriate for the area. The area is residential and there are many families with young children that ride their bikes and residents that walk for exercise along the roads of Old Concord directly off of Concord Rd. There are no sidewalks in the historic community. The large, busy would lead to increased traffic through the residential area creating a hazardous situation for pedestrians and children. Secondly, the noise problem from the increased traffic from the development and removal of trees would affect the community. The increased noise from Concord Rd is already noticeable between winter season (no leaves on trees) to summer (leaves on trees to buffer the noise). The removal of the trees and the increased traffic will elevate the traffic noise. The noise would diminish the peaceful atmosphere around the cemetery where families come to visit relatives on a regular basis. Thirdly, the light pollution from the gas station would be horrible due to same reasons of tree removal leading to glaring lights. I am opposed to this development and do not feel it is right for the area for the above reasons.
Jeanne (37933), June 12, 2024 at 1:45 PM
Please see attached document. Thank you, Jeanne Brykalski
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Jeremy (37934), June 12, 2024 at 2:57 PM
Please see attached for my comments...
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Gary (37934), June 12, 2024 at 6:28 PM
see attachment
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Pamela (37932), June 12, 2024 at 6:55 PM
I am completely and totally against routing traffic through an already established subdivision where traffic plans were not developed to handle over 900 additional vehicle trips per day. This will negatively effect my property value, diminish the tranquility of the neighborhood, render Highvue Dr completely unable to accommodate pedestrians, bicycles and other conveyances enjoyed by myself and my neighbors.

Additionally, allowing this construction will destroy standing timber lining the west side of Pellissippi Parkway. Mature oak trees and other indigenous forestry serving as sound buffer.

This will negatively impact the quality of life for the residents of Highvue Drive. I am directly impacted. Over 900 additional vehicles per day will cause hazards leaving my driveway.

I am completely against routing traffic through Highvue Dr.
Todd (37934), June 12, 2024 at 7:37 PM
I oppose the development (6-B-24-UR). As a nearby resident in historic Concord village, seems this development will negatively impact us and the recently installed & upgraded parks & greenways. I know this land is privately owned but if developed it should be done in a way that adds to our historic community and natural areas. I'm not convinced the area needs a fuel station. Every road into this area has a gas station, I count 10 within a 3-mile radius and 16 within 4 miles. In the last few weeks, when driving past the nearby Choto Weigle's, always less than 3 and multiple times not a single pump was in use. Those who know the history of the area are aware of remnants of the 3 shuttered gas stations within 500 yards of this location, it would be a shame if a 4th was added. Also seems like common sense not to put a restaurant a couple hundred yards from a sewage treatment plant. I don't think this is the right fit here. See attached for a full list of my concerns.
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Dustin (37932), June 13, 2024 at 6:43 AM
See attached comments against this proposal.
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a 379
Rich (a 379), June 13, 2024 at 10:39 PM
It will completely wreck our neighborhood to route traffic via Boyington Drive into Highview Acres. Our neighborhood roads could not handle this traffic. There would also be danger to those families with small children. It really is unthinkable that our county officials would allow this. Come and see for yourself how wrong this plan would be, truly for all involved.
Ryan (37922), June 14, 2024 at 11:00 AM
I am writing in support of this land usage and the potential addition of an EZ stop to our neighborhood (I live in Jefferson Park just down the road). I have seen the design for this store and with it's all brick facade, much improved food offerings, and strong local ownership (it is a family run business based in Maryville) would be a great addition. If this is not approved I worry that some other much larger corporate organization will come in with its cookie cutter design and make the area look like every other urban expansion. I would prefer to see a local business succeed who cares about the local area and its people versus another Weigel's or Taco Bell (which would likely pursue the land). I know I am only one person but when discussing this with my neighbors we are all in agreement. 
Adam (37932), June 14, 2024 at 11:42 AM
I want to express my concern over the proposed plan to route traffic for this development through Boyington Dr. and our neighborhood.

Why was the plan changed from routing this traffic through Bob Gray? What is the plan for traffic control, road maintenance, and pedestrian safety? What is the plan for noise control from the interstate with the loss of these trees?

Adding significantly more traffic to an already established neighborhood as opposed to major road capable of handling an influx of traffic seems very short sighted. Current residents seem to be lost in the consideration of this project and the impact it will have on our neighborhood. In addition, the new traffic pattern will require new residents to weave through a neighborhood rather than making one turn off Bob Gray. This would be a deterrent to me as a buyer and I imagine others as well.

I want to be clear. I am against routing this much traffic through our neighborhood period. But especially if there's no plan to address the added stress and inconveniences to our neighborhood. Go back to the original plan and route traffic to Bob Gray, a road capable of handling this much traffic
Adam (37932), June 14, 2024 at 12:13 PM
My name is Adam Tarver and I am a homeowner on Boyington Dr. It has come to my attention that the development between our neighborhood and Pellissippi Parkway is now going to be routed through our neighborhood and street rather than Bob Gray.

This major of a development will come with an extreme traffic influx. What is the plan for traffic control and road upkeep?

Traffic flow is going to be a major problem on Bob Gray as a result as well as throughout the entire neighborhood. Our neighborhood is very family friendly and walkable as well. An influx in traffic will drastically change this. Is there any plan for side walks to ensure safety of those already living here?

Finally, our neighborhood is already close to Pellissippi. The trees create the only sound barrier between us and the interstate. What is the plan for noise management? This seems like nothing more than a way to save money and avoid the hassle of properly routing this new development onto a major road that can handle it. Those who buy in the new development will have to weave through our neighborhood to come and go. Something that to me also seems like it would be a deterrent to buyers.

I wanted to voice my concerns and give you a chance to answer some questions, but I also what to be clear. I am against routing all traffic through our existing neighborhood.
Richard (37932), June 14, 2024 at 2:37 PM

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Richard (37932), June 14, 2024 at 2:39 PM
see attachment
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Howard (37917), June 14, 2024 at 6:50 PM
Looking for more information on this request. What will the site be used for?
Jim (37932), June 14, 2024 at 8:49 PM
How can this even be considered? Routing that much traffic through a subdivision raises all kinds of safety and privacy concerns for our subdivision. Please don't let this pass. Either deny this project or have the entrance/exit of these condos be on Bob Gray Road. Would you all like to have new condo traffic disturbing your subdivision?
Aaron (37932), June 15, 2024 at 10:12 PM
see attached file
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Tina (37932), June 16, 2024 at 10:26 AM
We do not feel that it would safe for that many more cars to be driving through our already established neighborhood. It will not be safe for the children or the adult that walk their dogs and such. That is way too much traffic going through a neighborhood. This would not be a very responsible decision.
Tina (37932), June 16, 2024 at 10:30 AM
We do not feel that it would safe for that many more cars to be driving through our already established neighborhood. It will not be safe for the children or the adult that walk their dogs and such. That is way too much traffic going through a neighborhood. This would not be a very responsible decision. Lovell View and Highvue Acres
Dan (37932), June 16, 2024 at 5:16 PM
I strongly second the great comments from Pamela and Dustin. My family and all neighbors with whom I have spoken are completely opposed to creating access to the proposed development via Boyington Drive or any other route through our quiet family neighborhood. This could add more than 2,000 vehicle trips per day through our neighborhood, which is not built to handle such a heavy load of traffic. Our neighborhood has a daily high volume of children at play, walkers, dog walkers, joggers and bicyclists. Creating this access is a safety risk to all of our neighbors. I am totally opposed to routing traffic to the proposed development via Highvue Drive and Lovell View Drive.

Drew (37922), June 17, 2024 at 10:05 AM
I am writing to express my support for the proposed development of a gas station and farm-to-kitchen restaurant in our neighborhood. While I understand that some community members have reservations, I believe this project will bring significant benefits to our area.

A local gas station will reduce travel time and emissions, contributing to a more sustainable community. The farm-to-kitchen restaurant is an exciting prospect, as it aligns perfectly with our values of supporting our local community. This restaurant will not only offer fresh options but also provide a market for local farmers, fostering a stronger local economy and a sense of community.

It is also important to note that modern gas stations and restaurants can be designed with aesthetics and community integration in mind. With thoughtful planning and collaboration, this development can enhance the charm of our area rather than detract from it. For instance, the design can incorporate elements that reflect the local character of the neighborhood, creating a seamless blend of old and new.

I am confident that this development will be a positive addition to our community, providing essential services, supporting local agriculture, and contributing to our economic vitality.
Scott (37934), June 17, 2024 at 10:53 AM
I fully support the local company EZ Stop getting the land to put in a nice convenient store with restaurant. We live close by and would be a great addition.
Steve and Dori
Steve and Dori (37932), June 17, 2024 at 12:19 PM
The proposed development of 93 condos with access into our subdivision should not be granted. My original understanding is that the access was going to be from Bob Gray Rd.

This development has gone from access to Bob Gray Rd now to Boyington Drive in our neighborhood.  It is absolutely mind blowing that it would be acceptable to give the traffic of 93 new homes, plus an additional 127 condos  from Nod Street, access  through any neighborhood, never mind your own subdivisions in which you live.

The proposed development cannot go further if the access to Bob Gray Rd doesn't work due to site distance or whatever the rule is.  This parcel was not a "future" phase of this subdivision.  The folks who purchased these homes on Boyington Dr, did so with the knowledge  that they live on a dead end road.  The many new sales in the s/d probably wouldn't have happened if families with children, trying to take advantage of the schools attached to the neighborhood, were aware that this was a possibility. 

Commissioners, I would hope that this proposed development will be voted down in the meeting on July 11th by the Planning Commission.  Please help our community deny this access to our neighborhood and help us keep the 1975 and 1990  sections the way they were approved at the time.

Bailey (37934), June 17, 2024 at 8:17 PM
I am a longtime resident of the Concord/Farragut area, and I heavily oppose the development listed for the EZ rest stop and restaurant. As a resident that has lived here for years and has helped out many times to clean and restore graves, the Masonic lodge, and other historical sites within the area, it is completely inappropriate to have such a development in the historic area of concord. The proposed site backs up directly upon the historic Masonic cemetery, which dates back to 1800 and houses many veterans. The site itself was once home to the old Concord church, which would have also been the site of pre-1800 burials. I’m not 100% confirming that there are burial sites on the land, but it is highly likely due to the history of the site/area around the site, as well as the history of Concord as a whole. I am not speaking for all residents, but to me, having a historical site such as this developed for a gas station (which isn’t needed in the area) is depressing. It would mean the permanent loss of an important site, as well as the potential permanent loss of history for the area.
John (37932), June 17, 2024 at 9:01 PM
Adding another subdivsion access to Bob Gray will push the traffic to unbearable levels. Bob Gray is crowded as is, will only increase the number of accidents on the road. Bob Gray is to narrow to handle another 25% in crease in traffic. Put the access on Pellissippi as the other access is, will only be 100 feet or so from the other access. My question with the increase in traffic on Bob Gray will it decrease the property value of houses on Bob Gray.

Jon (37934), June 17, 2024 at 11:19 PM
I strongly oppose the development of a EZ Stop/Resuaraunt at Northshore and Concord, It's getting Ridiculous!
Joseph (37920), June 18, 2024 at 9:18 AM
Thank you for considering my comments related to this rezoning request. Housing developments on John Sevier are currently going in at a fast pace, yet the infrastructure is not keeping up pace. This redevelopment request would place potentially 120 duplexes with access directly to John Sevier Hwy, adding to the difficulty already of traversing the road from current developments. I would ask that the Planning Commission consider requirements such as a traffic light to assist controlling the flow of traffic or requiring the developer to make the entrance off of Dick Ford Ln so that the traffic is funneled to a smaller feeder road rather than straight onto the highway.
Terry (37932), June 18, 2024 at 11:49 AM
see attached file for complete concerns
View Attachment
Terry (37932), June 18, 2024 at 11:51 AM
see attached file for concerns
View Attachment
Carol (37934), June 18, 2024 at 12:54 PM
The Village of Concord is the only historic village in Knox County and as such is a treasure. The home owners here, of which I am one, love the peace and quiet, their neighbors, and their ability to safely walk the streets with their dogs, or help their toddlers learn to ride their tricycles. Nearby neighborhoods enjoy our village too, and are welcome here. Adding an EastStop gas station is an insult to the village in many ways as has been amply explained in previous comments. Actually I can't see it making a profit as there are so many similar nearby facilities. For any productive use of the property on Concord Road we would welcome small, quiet businesses. In order to preserve the integrity of our peaceful village, beloved by everyone who knows it, we require a broad barrier of original tree growth between the Masonic cemetery, and all areas of the Historic Overlay, of 35 to 50 feet, no outlet onto Second Drive which is a narrow street and part of the overlay, and no noise, light, or toxic fume pollution.
David (37934), June 18, 2024 at 1:27 PM
I am a member of the Old Concord Residents Association. There is an historic village ethos in Concord which we have had to defend multiples of times. It is the atmosphere of the place that is special. We all understand commercial development will happen on Concord Road. But the EZ Stop is encroaching on the village, even using one of our little streets, Second Drive, as ingress and egress. From what I can see, this development is similar to any Pilot station with a McDonald's or Wendy's attached to it. Lighting is a huge issue for us, as is noise. Also understand, that Second Drive is the only place we can safely exit onto Concord Road to Northshore. It is a very dangerous lefthand turn from Lakeridge. Everyone speeds entering or exiting the roundabout. There should be no use of Second Drive at all. Small retail and office spaces would be much safer than this high traffic project. It is my hope that EZ Stop will be respectful and responsive to our concerns.
Carol (37934), June 18, 2024 at 3:06 PM
PDF document is attached
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Taylor (37934), June 18, 2024 at 4:35 PM
Please see attachment.
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Melissa (37934), June 18, 2024 at 6:09 PM
I’ve lived here since 1988, and am extremely unhappy about all the “building improvements” that are destroying the scenic, rural beauty and “small town” feel of the area. I strongly oppose this plan. It does not fit with the historic setting, and would increase the traffic congestion in the area.
Shirley (37934), June 18, 2024 at 7:55 PM
This proposed development joins the Concord Masonic Cemetery, and I feel this development as currently designed descecrates this historic cemetery which is the final resting place of many pioneer family members of the Concord/Farragut Community. This sacred cemetery must be protected from the encroachment of this unwise and unnecessary development. The only way to ensure the cemetery’s protection is to deny this proposal. Please vote NO on this rezoning.
Eve (37934), June 18, 2024 at 8:26 PM
Our first church building from 1798 was demolished by federal troops then rebuilt as concord Presbyterian in 1877. In order to have ingress and egress to all church activities - our direct route is the one lane road known as second ave. Invading our access and inhibiting our ingress with drive through traffic from EZstop is inherently irresponsible development. More than that - it is disrespectful of normal enjoyment of our quaint village. We have no record of what unknown graves from the original church at Masonic Lodge may be savaged either. But please consider the veteran graves at Masonic lodge that are visible. We value those graves and do not want the families and veteran organizations to endure the disrespect you are proposing. Respect those living in Concord, those buried there and those worshiping there. Do the right thing towards a historic village!!! 
Ed (37932), June 18, 2024 at 8:46 PM
I have seen really bad ideas before but this one might be one of the worst. This will impact everything in our neighborhood, increased traffic and noise and danger to walkers, bikers and even pulling out of our driveways. Trying to piggyback access from an established road in this neighborhood is disgusting and cowardly and we’re not gonna be used to line the pockets of a developer by destroying our perfect neighborhood. Other people have mentioned negatively affecting our property value and that is true but this would unfairly and unequivocally increase the property value of the new development on probably inferior construction from our homes. This is unacceptable and smells like something dastardly is afoot.
Ed (37932), June 18, 2024 at 8:58 PM
You want to destroy this integrity and liveability of a neighborhood? Then approve this increase in traffic and watch all that go down the tubes. Nothing good can come from this except lining the pockets of the developer and who knows, maybe someone on the planning commission as well? Our road Highvue Drive is not designed for the more traffic this will bring into our midst. I personally find it offensive this was even proposed instead of going off Bob Gray Rd, which though not perfect is better able to handle the increase if indeed it is needed. You want to put people at risk, then push traffic thru here. We will not be silenced though.
Betty (37923), June 19, 2024 at 7:17 AM
I am asking that this gas station proposal be stopped. This is an historic district. We are trying to preserve something of our ancestors and heritage. There is so much traffic now, to add this will cause more traffic inside the area which will cause damage to the area. The are is quiet now but if this is added it will destroy what is known and loved. There are plenty of places around us to get gas, food etc. I am respectfully asking, do not do this. Don’t destroy history. Don’t destroy a quiet neighborhood of good people. Just don’t.
Bill (37934), June 19, 2024 at 11:15 AM
There are several large acre parcels between the Village of Concord and the newly widened Concord Road on the east side of the road. We understand that these parcels will be developed over time, so I am asking the planning commission to consider all of these starting with the current proposal from EZ Stop. This type of development, (ez stop), would be good for Kingston Pike or other more large scale commercial developed corridors But not for this more residential light commercial corridor. The Commission has the ability to control development and approving a large, 7K sf 24/7 gas station with a drive through, speakers, and lighting is inappropriate at best. The components of this proposal are incompatible with the surroundings especially Knox County's only Historic Overlay Zone mere feet away from the historic cemetery. My additional comments are submitted via attached pdf, thank you.

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Keith (37932), June 19, 2024 at 12:55 PM
See attached
View Attachment
Jared (37932), June 19, 2024 at 3:31 PM
I am very strongly against the proposed connection to Boyington Drive. My wife and I moved into this neighborhood with our two young children, one of the specific reasons being because the streets were not busy and we saw people walking very often. Between the traffic increase and the construction target of 2027, this means that when our kids are in elementary and middle school, we won't feel safe letting them ride bikes or retrieve an overthrown ball from the street. Please connect to a main road and leave our neighborhood out of the proprosed development plans. To reiterate, my wife and I are strongly against this proposal.
Jared (37932), June 19, 2024 at 3:33 PM
I am very strongly against the proposed connection to Boyington Drive. My wife and I moved into this neighborhood with our two young children, one of the specific reasons being because the streets were not busy and we saw people walking very often. Between the traffic increase and the construction target of 2027, this means that when our kids are in elementary and middle school, we won't feel safe letting them ride bikes or retrieve an overthrown ball from the street. Please connect to a main road and leave our neighborhood out of the proprosed development plans. To reiterate, my wife and I are strongly against this proposal.
Tammy (37932), June 19, 2024 at 8:31 PM
I purchased my home 10 plus years ago in this quite family friendly neighborhood, my last home. Now the plan, for what reason, is to route new condo traffic which will add 2000 plus trips through our neighborhood. These streets cannot handle that amount of traffic, and the safety aspect is astronomical. Opposed to this plan is not a strong enough word for this "not thought out plan".
Anna (37934), June 19, 2024 at 9:23 PM
I am opposed to this development. See attached comments.
View Attachment
Stacey (37934), June 19, 2024 at 9:56 PM
As a resident of Old Concord, I am very apprehensive about a large gas station located near the end of my neighborhood. My husband and I share a home at the end of Lake Ridge Drive. I moved here a little over two years ago. It is one of my favorite spots in Farragut because. It’s still has a lot of historic structures, which gives it a very small town feel. Adding a new gas station a little less than a block where an old abandoned gas station is located like a risky venture. It will be very hard to get in and out of the gas station with no traffic light and all the traffic coming off of the roundabout. We frequently take walks where we have to cross over Concord to get to the Greenway. It’s very hard to get across that street as there is no crosswalk. Adding a gas station which would likely increase the amount of traffic in that spot would make crossing even more dangerous and really devalue our neighborhood. A great part of our neighborhood charm is the fact that we are within walking distance to several parks and the Greenway. Adding this gas station will really detract from that.
Melissa (37934), June 20, 2024 at 6:15 AM
I have lived in Farragut since 1988. I am extremely unhappy and upset about all the “building improvements” that are removing the beautiful, rural landscape, destroying the unique “small town” feel, and replacing it with way too many “cookie cutter” or multi level buildings. I oppose this plan. It does not fit with the historic setting, and would increase the traffic congestion in the area.
Robert (37934), June 20, 2024 at 8:35 AM
This project will ruin the historic charm of Concord. Upset the traffic patterns in a negative way for the area. It is just not comparable to the neighborhood.
Melissa (37934), June 20, 2024 at 12:52 PM
My main concern about the EZ Stop is that it doesn’t add value to the community. I’m not opposed to the area being developed, but I’d like it to be something that respects the integrity and quaintness of the neighborhood. A coffee shop, boutique, cafe, or something quiet with minimal traffic. A gas station is very invasive for the residents. It’s like putting it in the back of someone’s neighborhood. Our kids can’t ride their bikes. It’s an extreme increase in noise and light pollution. This area has what most people want: the serenity of nature and the lake, while still being close to town. The proposed development is in complete disregard to the residents it most affects. It also poses a significant traffic danger to non-residents (and us). The area is really dangerous for drivers to access. If someone is traveling eastbound on Northshore and takes the roundabout to Concord Rd, they have to get over to the right lane. But there’s a solid white no-pass lane to protect the westbound drivers turning onto Concord. It’s a very dangerous and tricky spot, even for someone like me who’s well-practiced. Sometimes I have to go all the way down to Loop just to turn to get to my own house cause it’s so busy. I don’t want to Deter progress, and I know it is necessary. There just have to be better ideas than what’s currently proposed.
Toby (29646), June 20, 2024 at 2:18 PM

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Daphne (37934), June 20, 2024 at 4:54 PM
I've lived in farragut for almost 52 years now. It's unreal how Farragut at one point was farming land and now it's becoming worst than down town Knoxville. Farragut needs to keep it's historic buildings and lands alone. What history are we leaving behind? That Knoxville can move in and take over our history. Our homes and lands are our pride. My family are buried in the Mason cemetery and I know for a fack that they would not approve this change. They have already made concord look bad. Keep our history alive. Not just in pictures and paintings. I for one don't approve the change. And what happens to the wild life that we are disturbing because the rich want to get richer. I love the moon cemetery. I can set with my family and look over and see the lake and there is peace. No sounds of horns no smell of gas or lound unwanted sounds Just peaceful. Don't take our history and throw it away for another gas station we don't need. Keep Farragut clean and not over population with unwanted things.
Pamela (37932), June 20, 2024 at 5:40 PM
I have lived on Highvue Dr. for 35 years. This is a quiet and safe neighborhood with very little homeowner changes. The idea of having a main entrance to a new subdivision off Boyington Dr. is a DISASTER. There would be huge trucks, bulldozers for clearing and removable of tress on this plot of land. Heavy equipment tracker trailers bringing in all the building supplies will ruin the streets and creating a horrible daily mess of the neighborhood streets. Navigating these streets with all this very heavy equipment will be extremely difficult. The traffic will be impossible to navigate on a daily basis. During the school year, school buses are in the neighborhood. This will add additional stops for the buses. Therefore, constantly watching children getting on and off the school bus. Children do play in the neighborhood throughout the year.
I am completely opposed to the proposal of rezoning this land.
6 -C-24-TOB
6-SB- 24-C
Mary McFee
Mary McFee (37830), June 20, 2024 at 7:46 PM
I request that you reject this plan There is already a dangerous level of traffic near that intersection, but beyond that it is invasive to the Historic are of Concord. Anything that the public needs can now be found about a mile away in Farragut. This development is unwanted and unnecessary
Please reject the proposal
Amanda (37932), June 20, 2024 at 10:58 PM
Me and my family strongly disagree with the proposed route of these townhomes through our neighborhood. We have just learned about this new project and we are completely shocked that this would be allowed to be built to begin with. Not just taking away a huge natural barrier protecting us from Pellissippi Pkwy but also taking away our safety in our own neighborhood by adding a ridiculous amount of additional traffic. Would you vote to have this in your quiet neighborhood? Hasn't this area been built up enough?! We are being squeezed from every corner here with new developments all around us and our tolerance is over! We are tired of every square foot of grass in this county being turned into apartments! Please have some restraint and consideration for the people of this community!!
Scarlet (37934), June 21, 2024 at 5:46 AM
My husband and I bought our home in 2018, after he retired from the military. We selected Farragut for it's location and convenience to things we like to do. We also chose it because it was somewhat shielded from densely populated areas and crime. In our 6 years of living here there has been continuous growth and population increases. With NO change in infrastructure, to include security measures. When exactly will the Powers That Be in Farragut be satisfied with the growth.!? When Kingston Pike and Campbell Station look like the Bearden and Mall area? Please reconsider this development and future commercial development to preserve a small fraction of peace and tranquility in Farragut.
Jonathan (37934), June 21, 2024 at 6:43 AM
Please review the attached file to see comments on the oversized nature of this Ezstop project.
View Attachment
Ginger (37934), June 21, 2024 at 8:30 AM
Developing a large convenience store/gas station at the end of Concord Rd. is incredibly short-sighted. The Northshore corridor is exploding with development, making the roundabout even less effective than it already is. The residents of Concord are being forgotten. If that area is to be developed for that kind of business, it should be a Weigels-sized station to minimize the impact of that area.
Christina (37934), June 21, 2024 at 9:14 AM
I am against an EZ Mart gas/restaurant being built in that location. This is not the area for a business like this.
Courtney (37932), June 21, 2024 at 3:35 PM
Please see the attached file for my public comment in opposition of the case.

View Attachment
Courtney (37932), June 21, 2024 at 3:48 PM
Please see the attached document expressing my opposition for case 6-B-24-C. Sincerely, Courtney Quist
View Attachment
Sarah (37934), June 21, 2024 at 4:39 PM
I have lived in the Village of Old Concord for 48 years. The community has worked for decades to protect the history and atmosphere of this unique place. Old Concord is a coveted place to live and is well known in Knoxville for its unique atmosphere in the heart of Farragut. Overall our general feeling is that we don't want this particular development. If it does pass, we would like to see some alterations. These alterations have been presented by our community members in other posts. I am most concerned about traffic and noise and light pollution that will affect the entire atmosphere of our village. I am also concerned about the increase in traffic through the neighborhood that will affect the safety of our children. We are not unreasonable and know this land will eventually be developed but we're rooting for something smaller and more appropriate for our village and its residents.
William (37934), June 21, 2024 at 5:48 PM
Our Historic Village of Concord was established in 1854. Knox County designated it a Historic District and placed it on the National Register of Historic Places in Knoxville to protect a part of our local history. Our community, a tightly woven tapestry of older and younger families, shares a common value of community, where our children and adults walk and ride bikes within our village, undisturbed by heavy traffic and noise. We take pride in our clean, litter-free streets and the tranquility that comes with limited noise.
The proposed EZ Go Gas Station will increase the traffic and threaten to unravel this way of life. We hope our County Administrators will act on our village's request and protect our families from high-traffic encroachment venues, such as fast food and gas stations. The increase in noise and light pollution will harm our peaceful village and forever alter how we currently enjoy our community. Our village is small and safe, with little outside traffic, and our children play outside with relative safety.
We have spoken with the Developer at a recent meeting at the Masonic Lodge in Concord; although the planning and preparations look nice, we know that this will bring a devastating change to our lives, all for the benefit of another gas station and fast food opportunity. Please deny this application for building an EZ Gas Station and fast food drive in our residential village.

Audrey (37934), June 21, 2024 at 7:52 PM
I may not be able to completely express my utter discontent and dissatisfaction with this proposal through this online format but I can certainly try. Starting with Old Concord is a historic neighborhood with homes dating back to the Civil War, it is a place worth protecting. This plan is an infringement on the above by bringing more traffic, more light pollution, and more noise to a neighborhood that is already experiencing those three things to a capacity I would describe as comfortable. Second, there is the concern of the above including the addition of fuel stores so close to Loudon Lake, three public parks and a local golf course While we hope nothing happens, the risk will exist. Third, in addition to the above, the proposed site backs up onto the cemetery of a Masonic Lodge, with gravestones as old as the early 20th century and plots still being used. No one wants to visit family members' final resting spots next to a 24-hour gas station that includes a drive-through restaurant. Fourthly, and finally, Old Concord Village and the surrounding neighborhoods have long been quaint and historical, this plan would break that untimely infringe greatly on a community with multiple churches, a neighborhood that has long been ideal for raising children, and a village with multiple generations of families. I cannot stress enough how much I oppose this development.
Ryan (37931), June 21, 2024 at 9:29 PM
Byington Beaver Ridge Rd is a narrow 2 lane State Route and last year saw an average daily traffic count of 9,630 cars. It's 35 mph posted limit is routinely disregarded substantially and has been the host of multiple fatal traffic accidents. You will show NO DUE REGARD to the safety of current residents if you shoehorn 21 additional lots into a backyard and call it a subdivision. There is no infrastructure to support such lunacy. The proposal should be laughed out of the room. The lot has VERY little road frontage (just barely 200'), and it would be an engineering marvel to add the required access road to feed a new subdivision of 21 additional lots where there is just barely room for one driveway. Because of old growth trees, typical to the original home construction, traffic visibility is poor and would be a recipe for disastrously bad crashes. The current utilities are NOT adequate, as there are constant outages and repairs on the water mains which are stressed by capacity and age. The developer has turned this formerly beautiful lot into an eyesore and a landfill, growing a bumper crop of old appliances, garbage, and construction debris for almost 2 years now. Please don't allow developer greed to rule this decision, please take into account the safety of the current residents on this road. Please make the right choice and deny this proposal.
Ryan (37931), June 21, 2024 at 9:31 PM
Byington Beaver Ridge Rd is a narrow 2 lane State Route and last year saw an average daily traffic count of 9,630 cars. It's 35 mph posted limit is routinely disregarded substantially and has been the host of multiple fatal traffic accidents. You will show NO DUE REGARD to the safety of current residents if you shoehorn 21 additional lots into a backyard and call it a subdivision. There is no infrastructure to support such lunacy. The proposal should be laughed out of the room. The lot has VERY little road frontage (just barely 200'), and it would be an engineering marvel to add the required access road to feed a new subdivision of 21 additional lots where there is just barely room for one driveway. Because of old growth trees, typical to the original home construction, traffic visibility is poor and would be a recipe for disastrously bad crashes. The current utilities are NOT adequate, as there are constant outages and repairs on the water mains which are stressed by capacity and age. The developer has turned this formerly beautiful lot into an eyesore and a landfill, growing a bumper crop of old appliances, garbage, and construction debris for almost 2 years now. Please don't allow developer greed to rule this decision, please take into account the safety of the current residents on this road. Please make the right choice and deny this proposal.
William (37934), June 22, 2024 at 11:15 AM
Our Historic Village of Concord was established in 1854. Knox County designated it a Historic District and placed it on the National Register of Historic Places in Knoxville to protect a part of our local history. Our community, a tightly woven tapestry of older and younger families, shares a common value of community, where our children and adults walk and ride bikes within our village, undisturbed by heavy traffic and noise. We take pride in our clean, litter-free streets and the tranquility that comes with limited noise. The proposed EZ Go Gas Station will increase the traffic and threaten to unravel this way of life. We hope our County Administrators will act on our village's request and protect our families from high-traffic encroachment venues, such as fast food and gas stations. The increase in noise and light pollution will harm our peaceful village and forever alter how we currently enjoy our community. Our village is small and safe, with little outside traffic, and our children play outside with relative safety. We have spoken with the Developer at a recent meeting at the Masonic Lodge in Concord; although the planning and preparations look nice, we know that this will bring a devastating change to our lives, all for the benefit of another gas station and fast food opportunity. Please deny this application for building an EZ Gas Station and fast food drive in our residential village.
Amy ( 3793), June 22, 2024 at 2:03 PM
I oppose the building of the convenience store/gas station. There are multiple gas stations available within a 3 mile radius. It increases unwanted traffic and hinders the availability and use of the sidewalks and the new greenways which have improved quality of life for many. The proposed gas station will bring unwanted traffic to the area. Posing additional risk for pedestrians and cyclist heading to downtown Farragut. The step forward by adding additional Greenway and sidewalks to the Concord, North Shore area will take a major setback with the addition of this building. The neighborhood Road cannot handle increased traffic volume. The proposed building backs up to a cemetery.

Mitzi (37922), June 22, 2024 at 5:01 PM
Leave our neighborhoods as neighborhoods. Traffic is terrible in this area as is and more traffic will negativity impact the surrounding parks with traffic congestion and air quality in a place designated for outside activity. Not to mention, the historical Concord area which has been part of my life for 50 years. We have enough gas stations and convenient stores in the area already. Please DO NOT approve this development. Thank you. Remember you are representatives of the people and if you don't stand for us on this, election time we will Remember who is actually doing what they are supposed to do.
Kat & Bill
Kat & Bill (37932), June 23, 2024 at 9:56 AM
I am in complete agreement with John. Adding another subdivision access to Bob Gray will push the traffic to unbearable levels. Bob Gray is crowded as is, will only increase the number of accidents on the road. Bob Gray is to narrow to handle another 25% increase in traffic and others who have voiced their concerns regarding the developers proposal to route traffic via a cut-thru Boyington Road as I am completely and totally against routing traffic through an already established subdivision where traffic plans were not developed to handle over 900 additional vehicle trips per day. If Mr. Horobet had done his homework prior to purchasing the land he would have known that if an area of land has been vacant & undeveloped (especially in an area within Technology Corridor) there was a reason for that status. This is on him - his lack of foresight should NOT to be transferred, as a burden, to those living in Highvue Acres as there are NO positives to be gained by granting his request for a cut-thru for those of us that call it home!
Peyton (37934), June 23, 2024 at 11:10 AM
Please reject that proposal to build a large gas station on Concord Road where it is not needed, will create problems in the flow of traffic, and will damage the quality of life in a residential area.
Bryce (37932), June 24, 2024 at 7:37 AM
I am a resident of the quiet and peaceful neighborhood you are intending to ruin by routing an extra 2,000 cars per day through Boyington Dr. This attempt to quietly approve an extreme change to our neighborhood lacks any sense of integrity or duty of office. No one in their right mind would find this change acceptable in their own, well-established neighborhood and neither do we. Especially when you have the ability to tie it in directly to Pellissippi Pkwy and Bob Gray Rd. Both of these roads will still be utilized by the same traffic in order to get to these new homes (same as I do) yet you find it ideal to also route that traffic into our neighborhood? At best this idea is half-cooked. At worst you are looking for an easy way to get around tying directly into Pellissippi and have zero regard for the people who already live here.
JON (37934), June 24, 2024 at 7:39 AM
Please see the attached file regarding the "use as a drive through" and the failure of this plan to be in harmony with Article 4 section 2 4.10.17. The use will not significantly injure the value of adjacent property by noise, lights, fumes, odors, vibration, traffic congestion or other impacts which may detract from the immediate environment. The proposed landscaping would in this case would fail to prevent harmful impacts to the adjacent properties.
View Attachment
Bryce (37932), June 24, 2024 at 7:41 AM
I am a resident of the quiet and peaceful neighborhood you are intending to ruin by routing an extra 2,000 cars per day through Boyington Dr. This attempt to quietly approve an extreme change to our neighborhood lacks any sense of integrity or duty of office. No one in their right mind would find this change acceptable in their own, well-established neighborhood and neither do we. Especially when you have the ability to tie it in directly to Pellissippi Pkwy and Bob Gray Rd. Both of these roads will still be utilized by the same traffic in order to get to these new homes (same as I do) yet you find it ideal to also route that traffic into our neighborhood? At best this idea is half-cooked. At worst you are looking for an easy way to get around tying directly into Pellissippi Pkwy and have no regard for the residents who already live here.
Mary Anne
Mary Anne (37934), June 24, 2024 at 9:08 AM
A gas station being built on Concord rode is a terrible idea. The proposed site is too close to the round about. We have a gas station at Kroger. It will put too much traffic and poses a danger due to people pulling out from the gas station.
Patricia (37912), June 24, 2024 at 11:11 AM
In 2014 a developer submitted the use of Monterey Oaks 8.23 acres tract for 18 single-family detached lots, at a density of 2.19 du/ac. FILE #1-SB-14-C MPC stated that one of the (10) conditions for approval was: "Providing a geotechnical study prepared by a registered engineer for the proposed building sites for Lots 6-15, verifying that the subsurface is suitable for building construction. The geotechnical study must be submitted to the Knoxville Department of Engineering for review and approval prior to approval of a building permit for each lot." It was observed that the original developer (Camdun Realty LLC) dug out a large area within the now proposed duplex site as a dumping ground for dozens of large tree stumps, which were then buried. The decomposition of these stumps would make the ground unstable for the future of permanent buildings. It is critical for the safety and integrity of any structures that this area be deemed thoroughly safe. This major concern, as well as the previous runoff problems related to the slope of the acreage, must be given serious investigation before any building is permitted.

Nancy (37934), June 24, 2024 at 4:15 PM
see attached
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Joy (37932), June 24, 2024 at 5:53 PM
The proposal of creating a inlet and outlet for a new neighborhood coming out of a dead end road in what is now a fairly quite neighborhood is ridiculous and nit very smart to once again overload an already busy area with up to 800 plus vehicles to travel the small streets that are right now child and pet friendly but with the influx of traffic will be catastrophic. Why not create a whole street that runs horizontal to pellissippi parkway all the way to dutchtown . This should have been done 30 years ago when the one set of condominiums were built on pellissippi Pkwy and with only one entrance and they can only turn right . It only makes sense that this be the solution to prevent wrecks from happening with all the traffic turning onto Bob gray or onto lovell road, both with no red lights.
Jennifer (37932), June 24, 2024 at 9:58 PM
Please see attached pdf.
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Paula (37932), June 25, 2024 at 1:07 AM
I am writing to voice my strong opposition to the development of land adjacent to Highvue Acres and the proposed creation of a neighborhood entrance inside our small neighborhood. This street cannot accommodate to handle the traffic that will be generated by the development. Bob Gray Rd. is not equipped to handle an additional 900-2050 predicted daily trips. This would be destructive to this neighborhood setting that is currently safe for pedestrian and bike traffic and would result in the destruction of mature trees that protects our neighborhood from further traffic pollution. I implore you to do that right thing to protect a well established neighborhood that cannot safely accommodate such a proposal.
JON (37934), June 25, 2024 at 6:20 AM
Please review the attached USDA information on using agroforestry to buffer noise. All of the information is relevant but buffer density is most relevant to this case. As there is specific guidelines that state the proposed 25 foot setback of natural barrier. "A single row of trees will not provide noticeable noise reduction. At best they will provide a visual screen between residents and the noise source." "The noise buffer must completely block the line of sight. If any light can be seen through the buffer, it is providing no appreciable noise reduction. When only trees and shrubs are used for the buffer, this means the planting must be at least 100 feet wide with evergreen species for year around reduction. Even with wide and dense vegetative buffers noise reduction above 3 to 5 dBA is not likely." EzStop should consider increasing their 25 foot set back to 100 feet along the back of the property that faces residents and the cemetary. This will achieve at a 3-5dBA in noise reduction from the drive through and offer protection to the historic village behind the property.
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David (37932), June 25, 2024 at 10:57 AM
Please read the attached file describing my concerns over routing of the proposed condo/townhouse traffic through our subdivision.
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Carroll (37932), June 25, 2024 at 10:58 AM
See attached file.
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Carroll (37932), June 25, 2024 at 11:10 AM
See Attached File.
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David (37932), June 25, 2024 at 11:17 AM
Please read the attached file concerning the proposed condo/ townhouse traffic being routed through HIghvue Acres subdivision. The disruption to the neighborhood's existing roads is insane. Knox county will have to spend a significant amount of money to improve these roads and move utilities. The developer should exit this new development directly on Bob Gray Road with improvements for eliminating the limited line of site or provide a new egress through Parkway Townhouses to Discovery Lane and Dutchtown Road. Dutchtown Road is designed to handle this amount of traffic.
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Chad (37932), June 25, 2024 at 11:18 AM
No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no. How many times can I say no?? No. No. No. No. No. no. This is insanity.
Carol (37934), June 25, 2024 at 3:29 PM
This proposed large, noisy, brightly lit, busy gas station project is totally inappropriate for our peaceful, unique, historic village. Concord is worth preserving just the way it is. Also 18 wheeler trucks will be diverted to drive through our narrow quiet streets. I am horrified it has been given a possible go ahead by the planning commission. The drive through restaurant line is directly next to the regularly used Masonic Cemetery. I thought almost all of you were Christian in this county - where is your respect?
Brenda (37934), June 25, 2024 at 7:25 PM
As someone who doesn't even live near the proposed development site, this seems like a very bad idea. I oppose this EZ Rest Stop. Why? For many reasons:

-It will bring so much more traffic to Concord. After looking through the developer's traffic study, the data doesn't seem to take into account how large developments like this will bring in more cars and traffic. It's inevitable. The traffic study seems very sketchy and skewed (coming from a professional data analyst).

-The site backs up on protected land, and, if unmarked burials are found, it WILL BE protected land. Seems like these people don't really care about others, do they? All they care about is how the money talks

-The site backs up on people's neighborhoods and homes! How invasive

-Last time I checked laws, 7000sqft is much more than 5000sqft

-No matter what, once the "new" wears off of the EZ Rest Stop, it will eventually sit empty or get sold to another chain corporation.
Elisha (37912), June 26, 2024 at 7:03 PM
In Appendix B, Article 6, Section 1 of the city of Knoxville's Code of Ordinances, General Industrial Zoning Districts "allow for a range of general industrial uses", which may "[render] them incompatible with retail, service, or residential uses." This lot is directly across Inskip Dr. from a single-family home, and literally adjacent to the Rand Sylvia apartment complex. I think that allowing this property to be rezoned from Neighborhood Commercial to General Industrial doesn't make any sense given the surrounding properties. The uses allowed by General Industrial zoning would absolutely affect the quality of life and the character of the surrounding community, and definitely impact the flow of traffic on Inskip Dr. As a member of this community, I urge you to not approve this rezoning case.
Rhonda (37932), June 26, 2024 at 9:08 PM
And furthermore.....Apparently it was deemed unsafe to allow an entrance via Pellissippi Parkway, but routing all this traffic through a quiet suburban neighborhood is even MORE unsafe and unbelievably stupid! Not only will this create a traffic flow nightmare once these 90+ properties are created, the residence of this neighborhood would have to endure a construction nightmare for several YEARS as equipment and dump trucks navigate the twisting turns of our neighborhood streets to make this fiasco complete. All of us in the county are completely on board with growth but is this the way to do it? No, it absolutely is not! To allow this access through our neighborhood is unequivocably not an option!
Rhonda (37932), June 26, 2024 at 9:11 PM
First the first part......There are SO many things wrong with the plans for this development that I don’t even know where to begin! The plan to route traffic from a development comprised of approximately 90+ townhomes along a twisting path through tight streets, with NO SIDEWALKS, in a neighborhood that has already been established for 20+ years, is going to create a hazard of catastrophic proportions for the existing residence of Highvue and Lovell Heights! This is going to quadruple the amount of traffic that currently flows through those streets were people feel safe to allow their children to play, and to walk their pets, without a fear of being run over. It seems like the growth plan for Knox County is to simply use every square inch of land to throw as many crappy apartments or condominiums on said land as possible. Why traffic is not being routed to an entrance on Bob Ray Road is beyond comprehension.
Rhonda (37932), June 26, 2024 at 9:18 PM
And furthermore.....Apparently it was deemed unsafe to allow an entrance via Pellissippi Parkway, but routing all this traffic through a quiet suburban neighborhood is even MORE unsafe and unbelievably stupid! Not only will this create a traffic flow nightmare once these 90+ properties are created, the residence of this neighborhood would have to endure a construction nightmare for several YEARS as equipment and dump trucks navigate the twisting turns of our neighborhood streets to make this fiasco complete. All of us in the county are completely on board with growth but is this the way to do it? No, it absolutely is not! To allow this access through our neighborhood is unequivocally not an option!
Jonathan (37934), June 27, 2024 at 7:44 AM
Please review attached comments on building size.
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Mona Isbell
Mona Isbell (37772), June 27, 2024 at 11:48 AM
Please see attached comments. Thank you.
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Belinda (37934), June 27, 2024 at 1:40 PM
As of 6/27/24, an on-line petition has garnered 502 signatures and growing from 37934 zip code and surrounding neighborhoods opposing this development. Please listen to the community and oppose this proposal. It is not the right fit for the traffic and the cultural character of the only remaining historic community in Knox county. https://chng.it/NyrS47WSJk

George (37934), June 27, 2024 at 2:48 PM
This land will be developed, but it will only be supported by local residents if it's compatible with their area and cultural needs. This area does have a tight knit group of people that don't tend to be transient. Develop this land that will serve a useful purpose, and have longevity. Then it will be successful. Any investment into a business with a gas station plus food, in my opinion, is doomed to fail. Just up the road is a new shopping area about to open, with a variety of restaurants and stores. Residents travelling up North Shore to the affluent residential areas, I can assure you will not stop on the way home from work and get takeout from a gas station business. That's a laughable idea. I cannot believe the evident lack of diligence. Rezone within the law, but make it a compatible venture, not this silly idea.
Jeffrey (37934), June 27, 2024 at 5:12 PM
I am strongly opposed to this project. It is counter to the nature and esthetic of the area, and there are real environmental impact concerns. This is not even to mention the traffic issues. A grocery/gas station may be needed by the metrics of the developer, but the community is saying no. I ask that this goes unapproved.
Lazaro (37934), June 27, 2024 at 6:07 PM
The experiment of a gas station/convenience/food shop on this stretch of Concord Road has been tried in the past and failed. There was a little sandwich shop that once had gas pumps at 1116 Concord Road which is right across Second Street from the proposed location of this EZ Stop. That shop was failed and is now an eyesore to our community. I am not against development per se but it should be fitting with the area and benefit the residents of said area. The EZ Stop plans are not in line with the community of Old Concord. There are no architectural cues from our community the plans for the building look like every other gas station in town. What accommodations will EZ Stop provide to our community for the additional traffic they will drive through our area. Especially in regards to safety concerns. One of the ideas from our community leaders was making the exit onto Second Street from the EZ Stop right turn only. That idea looks to have already been shot down. If they were interested in partnering with our community they would listen to the input of our community leaders and agree to the requested remediations. Or even better come up with solutions that would serve our community on their own. Like addressing the added traffic on Concord Road that will make it more difficult for our community to walk across the road to access the greenway by building a pedestrian bridge. This development as it stands does not make sense for Old Concord or our surrounding community.
Sean (37934), June 27, 2024 at 8:24 PM
This project is inappropriate and I believe illegal to approve. Putting a gas station in a residential area is not appropriate. I also believe this falls under spot zoning, which is illegal. You also potentially get into issues where you create issues for existing neighbors. If this has lighting after dark, you are radically changing the surrounding property's use. This would be illegal. Kingston Pike is a more appropriate location for something like this.
Pamela (37932), June 27, 2024 at 9:27 PM
I am totally OPPOSED to the approval of the ONLY entrance to this new condo complex using Boyington Dr. in Highvue Acres as the access entrance. HIghvue Dr. will be the only route to reach Boyington Dr. The increase in car volume will be disastrous .Cars will be either coming down or going up Highvue Dr. everyday. Entering Bob Gray Rd. from Highvue Dr. is already dangerous. To turn right off of Highvue Dr. to Bob Gray Rd requires the driver to use both sides of the road because of a large ditch on the road. The safely of the neighborhood will be extremely compromised. Children playing, people walking, people walking dogs, biking riding is a significant everyday occurrance. There will be more school bus stops with children walking to the stop in the dark and cold. There are NO sidewalks or street lights. SAFETY is always the first concern in a neighborhood. The rezoning signs were on Bob Gray Rd. No sign was placed on Boyington Dr. to inform the neighborhood of rezoning the property. My property value will go down because of the huge increase in traffic in the neighborhood. THIS IS A QUIET, VERY SAFE NEIGHBORHOOD AND NEEDS TO BE PRESERVED.
Amy (37932), June 27, 2024 at 9:57 PM
Please see attached
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Amy (37932), June 27, 2024 at 9:58 PM
Please see attached
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Joe (37932), June 28, 2024 at 3:42 PM
We strongly oppose this proposal. It's clear the developer isn't playing by the rules. The egress can and should be on Bob Gray Road as was a condition of the rezoning, not into our neighborhood. It's clear that this would create a severe increase in traffic and reduce quality of life and property values for us residents.
Ed (37932), June 28, 2024 at 10:44 PM
Thank you for the opportunity to express my dismay at this request. There are so many things wrong with it I dot know which is worse so I will name several on no particular order. Our established neighborhood does not have the responsibility to bail out a guy who bought a landlocked piece of property. We also do not want 10 acres of trees to be destroyed for several reasons. Also, the traffic increase will put our children and residents at risk for harm and the destroy the safety and integrity and liveability of our neighborhood. This is a really really bad idea and one that must not be approved. It wojod also out safety crews at risk due to the lengthy time to navigate the new route and my road is very steep and visibility is not great. Please do not consider this.
Ed (37932), June 28, 2024 at 10:48 PM
Do not punish our neighborhood to rescue a guy who was arrogant enough to buy a landlocked piece of land without checking in access. We are not required to sacrifice our neighborhood to bail him out. We don’t was to put ourselves and families st risk for dsnger due to the increase traffic flow. Also, we certainly do not need to clear cut 10 acres of mature trees. Just a terrible idea all around.
Linda (37932), June 29, 2024 at 11:00 AM
This project to rezone our neighborhood to include sky high apartments in the middle of private home neighborhood is not acceptable. After attending the meeting at HVA, my husband and I want to voice our opinion and disapproval of this plan. It will cause horrible traffic on Bob Gray and neighborhood streets surrounding it. This low-income housing will also devalue our home
Jennifer (37920), June 29, 2024 at 11:45 AM
South Knoxville is a beautiful place. The residents of this community are generational families that love the area. As other parts of Knoxville have become over developed and land has run out, big developers have turned their eyes to our peaceful town. The constant rezoning of South Knoxville is unwanted by residents. Allowing apartments, subdivisions and homes by the hundreds ruins what makes this area special. Not to mention we do not have the infrastructure to support that kind of growth. Bower Field is a staple of our community. It is beloved and well fostered by the residents. It is evident that change is unwanted. Stop the rezoning. Keep South Knox rural. Put the people first.
Joe (37932), June 29, 2024 at 1:22 PM
To whom it may concern - I'm writing this as a 23 year homeowner in the Highvue Acres/Lovell View sub division to OBJECT to allow a new subdivision to use our neighborhood as a traffic collector. The dangers & risks this plan introduces to our beautiful neighborhood's homeowners GREATLY outweighs the low-cost & convenience of the solution that is being proposed by creating a pass-thru at Boyington Drive. A new development of only 100 units can expect to have 2 cars per unit - which will increase the traffic thru our neighborhood over 4x what is currently experienced. That's a minimum of over 800 extra cars thru our neighborhood EVERY DAY - where children play basketball & hockey in the streets, where homeowners walk their dogs, where people bike ride & exercise. That number of cars will double to over 1600 with the addition of Parkway Heights traffic - thus increasing the risk of someone being hit, cars being damaged, theft & so on. And these are low estimates. As a rational person, I understand the importance of growth & development; and as a homeowner in the area that will be NEGATIVELY affected by this, I implore the planning committee to reconsider this project.
Andy (37932), June 30, 2024 at 8:12 PM
Highvue Acres is a community that embodies charm, tradition, and a strong sense of unity. Our streets are more than pathways for vehicles; they are where our children play, our families walk, and our neighbors connect. The essence of our subdivision lies in its peaceful ambiance and close-knit relationships among residents. The proposed development, coupled with the traffic from Parkway Heights, is projected to generate over 2,000 trips per day through our Local Streets. This significant influx of traffic on our local streets not only threatens to subdue the aforementioned community values but adversely affect Highvue Acres by noise, lights, and traffic congestion. Furthermore, the infrastructure of Highvue Acres is not designed to handle such high traffic volumes. The increase in traffic will lead to congestion and a heightened risk of accidents, particularly affecting our residents who rely on these safe streets for their daily activities. The character and charm of Highvue Acres will be forever altered by this proposal. The increased foot and vehicle traffic will infringe upon the personal space and privacy of our residents. The sense of community that we cherish will be compromised as our neighborhood becomes a thoroughfare for this development. In conclusion, THIS IS A BAD IDEA and I urge you to reconsider the approval of this development in its current form.
Audrea (37938), July 1, 2024 at 2:17 AM
Halls area is already overwhelmed with traffic. It takes 20 minutes to go 3 miles. Halls area doesn’t just make up the Halls community but also Maynardville, Tazewell and New Tazewell. Highway 33 is heavily traveled on a daily basis. Adding another subdivision to an already overwhelmed area will become a nightmare. Please do not pass this as it will cripple our community. Knoxville is becoming what people are moving away from. Overpopulated and loss since of community.
Megan (37934), July 1, 2024 at 11:49 AM
Message attached
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Myra (37938), July 1, 2024 at 3:01 PM
Information is incorrect on Development Request re: Sewer and Water Provider. Application shows KUB, but is HPUD.
John (37931), July 1, 2024 at 4:58 PM
To build anything on this poor road will be insane. Traffic behavior well exceeds the 35 mph speed zone.....cars and trucks are lined up at least a half mile from the RR tunnel in the afternoon time slot There have been multiple fatal accidents in the 14 years I have lived here. To enter or leave the intersection of Hodge Rd. is almost impossible in the early and evening drive time hours. To build an entrance for this subdivision on this property where there is already an existing home having the front next to the main road is the most ridiculous idea I have ever witnessed. Please for the sake of taxpayers and residents of this area that call it home, please deny this application and tell the developers to take their money elsewhere !
Paul (2), July 1, 2024 at 5:40 PM
I am strongly opposed to the EZ Stop proposal. Comments attached.
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Gina (37932), July 2, 2024 at 8:08 AM
Please see attachment.
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Gina (37932), July 2, 2024 at 8:23 AM
Please see attachment.
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Kevin (37918), July 2, 2024 at 11:51 AM
The Knox Community Planning Alliance asks the Planning Commission to respect the Advance Knox process that resulted in the new comprehensive land use plan map that was adopted in April. New locations for Town Centers were actively and intentionally sought during the Advance Knox process. They are viewed as ideal ways to concentrate retail, residents, offices and recreation in a walkable area. The Town Center area in south Knox, on both sides of Chapman Highway, is an important element to the plan. The plan has an ction item to create incentives for more town center-style developments (action 4.3). We ask that you respect the plan and work that went into it, and not change it just a few months after it was adopted. Allow the new zoning districts to be created for this Town Center placetype (action 4.1). The request also changes Parks and Open Space placetype area to Commercial Mixed Use, and if this is removed, the closest recreational area would be French Memorial Park. KCPA requests that you deny the proposed sector plan amendment.
Kevin (37918), July 2, 2024 at 12:12 PM
The Knox Community Planning Alliance submits these comments: The proposed rezoning to CA is listed as Not related / appropriate to the Town Center Mixed-Use / Parks and Open Space placetypes that overlay the requested rezoning area. The legend specifies that  Not related / Appropriate means this zoning district is not consistent with the Future Land Use Map. This development is adjacent to existing residential uses and an existing cemetery, as well as proposed residential uses. CA does not require landscaping and permits large signs. Designs and uses commonly seen in the CA zone, including drive-thru restaurants and vehicle repair shops, results in noise and light trespass to adjacent properties that create a nuisance. Zones that require development plans, including the Town Center zone, would be more appropriate. KCPA emphasizes that they should be consistent with the Place Type and Zoning Chart in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The rezoning of land that Knox County currently leases for recreational facilities is difficult to understand, and KCPA does not support that. Finally, given the cumulative impact of rezonings in this area by a single developer, KCPA suggests that a Planned Development proposal for this property and all of the other properties owned by the applicant would benefit everybody: the community, county government, and the applicant. We encourage use of the Planned Development process available in the zoning ordinance.
Candy (37920), July 2, 2024 at 12:32 PM

We have lived together, worked together, played together, and prayed together for generations. Our hopes and prayers are that we are allowed to continue to do so for generations to come, and that you stop this rezoning request

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