Monthly Archive
Planning Commission
April 2022
Approve AG (Agricultural) / HP (Hillside Protection Overaly) zoning because it is consistent with the sector plan and is compatible with the surrounding development.
Approve closure of the right-of-way located on the south side of Amherst Rd northwest of Industrial Heights Dr. since this section of right-of-way is very wide and is not utilized.
Approve closure of the right-of-way located at the southern terminus of Lakeland Drive south of Cherokee Boulevard, subject to providing a 15-ft. wide easement for pedestrian access to the park and more
Approve the One Year Plan Amendment to MDR/O (Medium Density Residential/Office) because it is consistent with the location criteria.
Approve RN-5 (General Residential Neighborhood) zoning because the location serves as a transition between the single family residential neighborhood to the north and the commercial node to the south.
Approve the sector plan amendment to MDR/O (Medium Density Residential/Office) because it is consistent with the location criteria.
Approve RA (Low Density Residential) zoning because it is consistent with the sector plan and existing development pattern in the area.
Approve RN-2 (Single-Family Residential Neighborhood) zoning because it is consistent with the sector plan.
Approve RA (Low Density Residential) zoning beccause it is consistent with the sector plan and existing residential development in the area.
Approve PR (Planned Residential) zoning up to 4.85 du/ac subject to 2 conditions.
Approve RA (Low Density Residential)/ TO (Technology Overlay) zoning because it is consistent with the sector plan and existing residential development in the area.
Approve RA (Low Density Residential)/ TO (Technology Overlay) zoning beccause it is consistent with the sector plan and existing residential development in the area.
Approve the sector plan amendment to MDR (Medium Density Residential) and HP (Hillside Protection) for the portion of the property as shown in Exhibit C because it is a minor extension of the land more
Approve RB (General Residential) zoning for the portion of the property as shown in Exhibit C because it is a minor extension of the zoning classification.
Approve the sector plan amendment to MDR (Medium Density Residential) because of changing conditions in the area.
Approve PR (Planned Residential) zoning up to 7 du/ac.
Approve the sector plan amendment to RC (Rural Commercial) and HP (Hillside Protection) for 9202 and 9204 Old Maynardville Pike because it is a minor extension and consistent with the surrounding more
Approve CR (Rural Commercial) zoning because it is consistent with the surrounding rural development.
Approve the sector plan amendment to MDR (Medium Density Residential) and SP (Stream Protection) because it is consistent with the location criteria.
Approve PR (Planned Residential) and F (Floodway) zoning up to 23 du/ac because it is compatible with surrounding residential and commercial zoning.
Approve the sector plan amendment to MDR (Medium Density Residential) because it is adjacent to a major commercial node that is served by transit.
Approve PR (Planned Residential) zoning up to 18 du/ac because it is adjacent to a large commercial node served by transit subject to the following 4 conditions.
Approve the sector plan amendment to RR (Rural Residential), HP (Hillside Protection) and SP (Stream Protection) because it is compatible with the surrounding development.
Approve PR (Planned Residential) zoning up to 2.9 du/ac.
Approve PR (Planned Residential) zoning up to 5 du/ac because it is consistent with the sector plan.
Approve the One Year Plan Amendment to CI (Civic/Institutional) & SP (Stream Protection) because it is consistent with the location criteria and addresses an error in the plan.
Approve the sector plan amendment to CI (Civic Institutional) & (SP) Stream Protection because it is consistent with the location criteria and addresses an error in the plan.
Approve INST (Institutional) & F (Floodplain Overlay) zoning because it will bring the existing use into conformance with the zoning ordinance.
Approve RN-4 (General Residential Neighborhood) / HP (Hillside Protection Overlay) zoning because it is consistent with the sector plan.
Approve the One Year Plan amendment to MDR/O (Medium Density Residential/Office), HP (Hillside Protection) and SP (Steam Protection) because it is also a transitional land use classification and more
Approve the sector plan amendment to MDR/O (Medium Density Residential/Office) & HP (Hillside Protection) & SP (Stream Protection) because it is a transitional land use classification between more
Approve RN-6 (Multi-Family Residential Neighborhood), HP (Hillside Protection Overlay) and F (Floodplain Overlay) zoning because forthcoming improvements to the Kingston Pike/Northshore Drive more
Approve the One Year Plan Amendment to MDR/O (Medium Density Residential / Office) because it meets the location criteria of the land use classification.
Approve the sector plan amendment to MDR/O (Medium Density Residential / Office) because it meets the location criteria of the land use classification.
Approve RN-6 (General Residential Neighborhood) zoning because it is compatible with the surrounding development.
Approve the sector plan amendment to RR (Rural Residential) because of changing conditions in the area.
Approve PR (Planned Residential) zoning at 3 du/ac, subject to 3 conditions.
Approve PR (Planned Residential) zoning up to 5 du/ac because it is consistent with the sector plan, subject to 4 conditions.
Staff recommends approval of PR (Planned Residential) zoning up to 5 du/ac because it is consistent with sector plan and the surrounding development.
Approve PR (Planned Residential) zoning up to 5 du/ac because it is consistent with the sector plan.
Approve RN-4 (General Residential Neighborhood) zoning because it is consistent with the sector plan.
Approve the One Year Plan amendment to HI (Heavy Industrial) and HP (Hillside Protection) for the area shown in the Exhibit C map because it is consistent with the surrounding development.
Approve the sector plan amendment to HI (Heavy Industrial) and HP (Hillside Protection) for the area shown in the Exhibit C map because it is consistent with the surrounding development.
Approve I-H (Heavy Industrial) and HP (Hillside Protection Overlay) zoning for the area shown in the Exhibit C map because it is consistent with the surrounding development.
Approve for PR (Planned Residential) zoning up to 5 du/ac because it is consistent with the sector plan.
Approve the development plan for 57 detached residential houses on individual lots and the peripheral setback reduction from 35 ft to 25 ft, subject to 3 conditions.
Approve variance 1 and the alternative design standards 1-6 based on the justifications provided by the applicant and the recommendations of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works, more
APPROVE the development plan for up to 35 detached dwelling units on individual lots for Phase 3 of the Catatoga Subdivision and reduction of the peripheral setback for Lots 146 and 147 from 35 ft to more
APPROVE variance 1 and alternative design standards 1-2 on the recommendations of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works and because the site conditions restrict compliance with more
Postponed to the June, 2023 Planning Commission more
Postponed to the July, 2022 Planning Commission more
Postponed to the July, 2022 Planning Commission meeting
Approve the development plan for up to 5 detached dwellings on individual lots, subject to 1 condition.
Approve the Concept Plan subject to 6 conditions.
Approve variances 1-4 and alternative design standards 1-2 on the recommendations of the Knox County Department of Engineering and Public Works and because the site conditions restrict compliance more
Approve the request for an office-warehouse development in the PC (Planned Commercial) zone, subject to eight conditions.
Approve the development plan for up to 58 attached dwelling units and 1 detached dwelling unit, subject to 7 conditions.
Approve the development plan for up to 21 dwelling units on a single lot and reduction of the peripheral boundary setback from 35' to 25' along the southeast and northeast property lines, subject to more
Postponed to the May, 2022 Planning Commission meeting
Approve the request for a bus storage lot subject to 4 conditions.
Approve the development plan for a storage warehouse structure with approximately 50,400 sqft of floor area, subject to 8 conditions.
Approve the request for an office-warehouse development in the PC (Planned Commercial) zone, subject to six conditions.
Approve the request for a dentist office comprising approximately 6,500 sq ft in the PC (Planned Commercial) zone, subject to six conditions.
Approve the request for an office-warehouse development in the PC (Planned Commercial) zone, subject to six conditions.
Approve the request for a two-family dwelling in the RN-2 zone, subject to 6 conditions.
Approve the request for a two-family dwelling in the RN-2 zone, subject to 7 conditions.
Approve the request for a live music venue with approximately 6,530 sq-ft of floor area in the DK-G (Downtown Grid) zoning district, subject to 2 conditions.
Approve the development plan for up to three townhouse units subject to 5 conditions.
Approve the request for an eating and drinking establishment (bakery) with approximately 2,800 sqft of floor area, subject to 3 conditions.
Approve the development plan for a retail building with approximately 8,200 sqft of floor area and a drive-through facility, subject to 3 conditions.
Approve the request for a two-family dwelling in the RN-1 zone, subject to 8 conditions.
Approve the request for an office-warehouse development in the C-H-1 (Highway Commercial) zone, subject to seven conditions.
Approve the variance request to reduce the right-of-way in front of Lot 1 because the existing house is too close to the right-of-way line.
Approve the final plat because it is in compliance with more
Postponed to the May, 2022 Planning Commission more
Postponed to the July, 2022 Planning Commission more
Chair Pat Phillips announced the nominating committee for the Planning Commission officers for the 2022-2023 term:
Commissioner Jeff Roth, Chair
Commissioner Eddie Smith
Commissioner Marite Perez
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission under section 3.2.C of the City of Knoxville Zoning Ordinance remove the (C) designation for parcel 120ED003 to correct the error, as evidenced on the more